I feel bad for the artist that worked on Mercy's new skin

The skin looks nothing like Dragoon, and it’s definitely not dark.

False advertisement, much?

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That’s relative. I personally prefer the white beard more, because he looks wiser with that beard. And if casual hanzo can change, why shouldn’t dragoon mercy?

To the people that said casual hanzo didn’t get changed because of players doesn’t like it, you can just google “casual hanzo bad” and you can see threads bashing blizzard and comments about casual hanzo dissapointing. It’s the same thing happening, you guys just don’t bother to search and use the “not matching blah blah blah” excuse for downplaying the dissapointing mercy dragoon.

designer is not artist

Its not the colour its her face which is the main issue. Yes as a piece of art it may look nice but when rendered onto Mercy she looks like she’s been squished by rocks. Honestly you wanna quick fix the skin? Take some of the helmet off that attaches to her face. Like on the chin. Show Mercy’s face and that would make the skin much better.
Yeah its not nice for the artist but when drawing the most important part of a character is a face and it gives them an identity. If you hide a face its for a reason. In this instance it does not look right and looks like she’s been ‘Smushed’

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just remove the helmet and i’d be fine with it, i don’t like helmet or masks aesthetics that obstruct the face unless it was already on the character to begin with (Roadhog, Reinhardt, etc). It’s the Riot Police skin over again, the helmet ruined the skin for me.

I don’t feel bad for him/her/them.

The artist(s) involved did a great job. What people say on the forums is probably the last thing on his/her/their mind right now.

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Skins are supposed to be brand new looks to heroes, and that’s exactly what this one is.

Not their fault some mercy mains only want her to get cute and complex skins and want it their way


And, y’know, the hero icon looked uh…

Old Runescape-y.


Ohhh I get it…you’re being facetious because you feel this skin isnt “dark” enough for you. I hear ya loud and clear, edgelord.

I dont think they’re planning on coming out with the My Chemical Romance/Hawthorne Heights skin until next year my dude :disappointed:


The artists get paid, they arent doing it for free, they can make the worst skin in the game, and still be on top because the people who complain are literally paying their salary.

That being said, Hey blizzard, change the freaking color its bad

Just rework the helmet and it’ll be fine lol

Artists aren’t above criticizing the works of others, and aren’t above having the same done to their work.

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I waas just hoping it would be a British Army Draggoon from 1700

Jeff never said it was going to be a dark skin.

He said there are good odds they would make a skin like that. Also that she has a cool skin coming…

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Most people have a gripe with the helmet because it looks silly. It’s ok for people to dislike something, regardless of whether or not someone created it.

People criticise the Twilight series mercilessly, meanwhile that was not only first written as a book, but then a series of films created by a massive crew and a bunch of talented actors who had to make the most of the awful script and story they were given.

Dragoon is well made, sure. I quite like it myself - However, that helmet looks really bad, and I’m sure it could be redeemed if the artist changed it a little.


I like the design of the skin, but the helmet just doesnt really work in my opinion, like it covers too much of her face, the helmet covers almost her entire cheeks. That looks just weird, i would prefer the helmet being redesign to cover less of her face a bit or remove it and replace with her hair.


You know this wasn’t actually the focus…

The focus was she looks like a lame cosplayer.

Note: Not saying Cosplaying is lame.

Just saying she is bad at it.

Thus why I said the: Pete the friendly dragon ref.

This is not a ‘dark skin’, it’s straight from your kiddy Halloween store…

The Cheap Kind…

Kindly refer to the second part of my message.