I feel bad for the artist that worked on Mercy's new skin

Im not mercy main and i complain :stuck_out_tongue:
And being beautiful or not is not general term that everyone think the same. Just because you like it, it dont means everyone going to like it. Welcom to the world of not being hive mind sad friend.


Pretty sure most people’s problem with the skin is the helmet.
Other than that it’s great though

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Some complain about colors too, but thats normal, i dont see whats wrong with having differend opinions tbh. (im one of those who would like other colors for it but would rather separated skins than change it)


Beauty is subjective, I can see why some do not like it, doesn’t mean they are the worst mains for not accepting it with open arms just because it is a skin they not gotten in a while.

I think grouping all mercy mains as the worst is wrong, not all are demanding, snooty or whatever. But hey ho all mains are like that no?


That and I not seen one complaint of it not being pink, if anything they just think purple would match better than green for Mercy. Is that so wrong?

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There is a visualisation if anybody wanted one without the helmet

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Last year, he said the DVA skin would break the internet. It’s a fantastic skin, but the phrase “break the internet” is what made people’s expectations unrealistic. This time, he just said it would be a cool skin, so I’m not sure why everyone is disappointed, because “cool” is not that much of an exaggeration.

I mean I’m not a mercy main and I think it’s the weakest of the skins so far. The head piece looks awkward. She looks like a 14 year old girl trick or treating with a costume she got when she was 10.


See that type of helmet I think would match Mercy so much better because it is rare we see her with helmets on to begin with. Would of complimented her beauty instead of hiding it/making her face look poofy as some have said.

The helmet version would of been fine for Pharah or even Zarya to be honest.

Nah, i see it as home made cosplay to be honest (most mercy skins looks like cosplays to me)

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Sometimes I get skins I don’t like at all for my mains and the last thing I would do is coming to the forums to despise other’s work.

If I don’t like it I’ll wait for the next one but I still would feel grateful.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it should be changed.

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Why you need to be gratefull for stuff you dont like, and not say what you think is wrong with it?
Thats a point of stuff like it, to give your opinion. You dont need to take everything they throw at you and be happy. Show off your emotions for it.
And again its better imo to ask to start including recolored versions of skins again. That would make many problems go away with skins like that.


Yeah it doesn’t work for her character.
It kind of looks like it isn’t the same armour set.
It sticks out like a sore thumb

It looks fun. I much prefer it to pink tbh.

I personally favor pants but that’s never been a mercy must have.

Idk why (I do but I don’t) people have their panties in a twist. It’s super fun and makes sense to me. Cannot
Campy,corny , but thematically appropriate :woman_shrugging:t5:

I don’t like or really dislike it. Every time I look at the skin it makes me think of the green ranger from classic power rangers.

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The point is people dont like it. Hanzo white beard is also an artistic creation by the artist, and people ask to change it because they don’t like that it is different from the comic. Same reason with dragoon’s color. Most people dislike the green cartoony dragon.

This is a valid reason to change the color. There’s already a green ranger skin in overwatch. Lets go with black ranger this time.

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About the skin, at first I didn’t like it, but it was because of the name Dragoon, I was thinking of something related to Final Fantasy. But looking at it as a standalone skin, I think it’s pretty good (just the head is kind of strange)


Pretty sure Hanzo’s skin got changed because the beard’s quality was terrible. Like, it made no sense with the color of the hair on his head and looked completely disconnected and like a bug.

On top of that, the portrait for said skin looked like it was plugged straight from runescape.

Mercy’s dragoon looks nowhere near as bad as pre-update casual Hanzo.

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I’m pretty sure they added the golden mask because China has some weird censorship regarding skeletons and skulls…


They made a good job with the dragoon skin. Problem?

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