I dont want to be a healthpack

Here’s the issue: Your own vision of the role is highly twisted. I’d recommend picking up another role for a change of pace

I share that vision, however. If I can’t enhance my team to be successful, I am not being useful.

it looks more to me at the moment (The numbers won’t be final, stop panicking.) that they want to encourage supports to lean into the offensive side of their kit rather than healbotting

this is good. this is how supports are actually meant to be played, using their offensive kit while also offering sustain, at different levels for each support

personally, if this is what they are doing, then im fine with this.

Tanks and DPS took the brunt of massive gameplay changes throughout the years. It’s about time Supports takes one for the team.

I’m assuming most of the complaints are from people who have become so complacent at healing and don’t want to adapt to changes.

Personally, I think this is a good thing seeing as supports are what literally keeps a team together, this means every role will have to shift their playstyle with this change. It’s essentially a breath of fresh air after all the stagnation since the past year or two.

From your replies over the time I don’t really believe that at all, but since that’s a he said/she said type of a thing so let’s not get tangled up on that at all.

There’s nothing wrong with enhancing your team to be successful or in other words enabling them to do the things they have to do to win the match, but that’s not the issue. The issue is how you get there and how twisted that part of the ideal is twisted, referencing directly at how OP described the entire ordeal. It’s like saying that you’re doing your best, but then you don’t actually do your best because what you actually meant was that you’re going to do your best, with these conditions X/Y/Z/A/B/C which can be anything from refusing to play midst your team as Lucio, refusing to pocket as Mercy, refusing to focus on topping players off as Moira, refusing to not keep dying to sniper duels as Ana and so on. It’s a bit of a hypocritical point to stand on which is why nobody ever acknowledges these types of players and why many players can be frustrated at them

However on another note OP does make a really good point about the decreased healing and regeneration relative to the 5v5 format as “Heals For Heals” has been the go-to strategy for healers on dealing with flankers or dives meaning that with the in-combat healing mechanic and regeneration there’s a high chance that this strategy is going to lose a lot of viability, which I personally find to be a very scary thought. I don’t want my dear support teammates to mald even more about Tracer, Doomfist, Genji, Ball, Sombra than what they already do. This heroes can already be very frustrating to go against and deal with, but with the lesser healing someone playing Zennyboi can be perma boolied out of the match :confused:

It’s part of that condition, as enhancing your team also involves not spending resources on someone, who is lost cause and would only waste them.

Mainly because in this game, supports often can’t force someone to succeed.

Their whole “DPS felt good” but literally at the same time making Supports feel bad will not work. Blizz is taking tank/support players for granted, as if OW is the only thing that they can play. Joke will be on them as people quit the game or opt for DPS…


Don’t worry, DPS players, who happened to suck at DPS, would take our place.

Tank/support roles would be reservation for players, who want to be DPS, but aren’t twitch shots/quickscopes type and do not have overclocked reflexes.

seems more like they just want everyone to play the roles right. tanks actually deal damage and pressure, supports deal damage and pressure

this is how overwatch is played

Screw dealing damage, that’s what DPS are for. I didn’t sign up to do 2 jobs at the same time, when someone else does 1 and gets rewarded for it better.

Which,btw, is another reason DPS are more popular - you aren’t torn between 2 jobs, that demand you to be in 2 different places, with both having to be done.

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unfortunately thats how overwatch is played. the supports sustain the team but also use their offensive capabilities to enable and cause playmaking. This is why moira has been bottom tier and bap, zen, ana are so high up. They heal but also allow for some major damage capabilities that enable the team.

If you dont want to deal damage im afraid you’ve just been playing support incorrectly.

And would continue, because it’s correct way.

To deal damage to enemy, I have to engage them. Which puts me at risk, and can leave rest of my team with no healing. I also not keeping an eye out on my team, while engaging enemy.

To heal my team, I have to be behind it - to keep everyone in sight and keep their condition in check. To attack enemy, I have to be at the front - so teammates do not block my LOS and I can hit said enemies.

If healing is all supports need to do to be good, why is moira not meta?

This is a falsehood, you can deal damage and heal from the backline. Zen players do this all the time.

Because her design isn’t design of dedicated healer.

If I saw Moira for the first time, I would say she is DPS. Because her heals are limited, but her damage beam is not.

Never worked, teammates are blocking shots and make it difficult to keep track of enemy. Tanks are especially known for that - Rein may be trying to be useful, but his giant model definitely isn’t helping to keep enemy in my sights.

despite the fact her healing is some of the highest in the game due to the group healing effect? And how easy it can be to rebuild meter by spamming right click? the effectiveness of coal and orb at healing?

why is that not making her meta?
why cant heals outheal damage?

why aren’t owl players just throwing ana nades at just their team to increase healing?
why aren’t gms, diamonds even doing this?

this literally cannot happen, you shoot through teammates unless you are on ana and are healing people or using a projectile.

High ground, very useful for supports, allows them to see the reins at the same time. When i’m on highg round I can see my rein and their rein and shoot both. I can nade both, I can discord and harmony both.

If healing was all we needed, zen would be awful, lucio would be awful, etc etc

supports dealing damage and enabling people is what the game has done for ages. this is how the game is played as we go higher and higher in SR.

I can’t see through them, they are not transparent.

Good thing I never wanted to enter area of tryhards and meta slaves.

Thats fine. Sometimes that happens. I would think if this happens constantly you are not positioning properly however, so I would recommend you maybe take up high ground positions more often as to allow you to see your team and their team.

Damage is healing.

I do that on Mercy, but it involves not healing rest of team.

Damage isn’t healing, mainly because I have no desire to kill enemies myself as support. I am not interested in doing job of my teammates, just because they failed.

Your other support is expected to pick up the slack here, by damage boosting your mccree, your hanzo, your ashe, you enable them to get kills faster so your team takes less damage. Due to them taking less damage as they got a kill, you have to heal less. See how that works? The damage you put out is healing.

You don’t have to!
All you need to do is pressuring them. One shot from ana is 70 damage, more than enough to scare a 200hp squishy off of an offangle and force them to get a mini or healed by their ana. You don’t need to eliminate, you just need to pressure. Make them scared.

Unfortunately overwatch is not so black and white as to decide that your job is “only heal” and “only damage”. jobs for each hero get more complicated than just this, we expect tracers to flank and get picks or key cooldowns out, we expect the rein to control corners, we expect the ana to sustain the team and aggressively punish the enemy team with anti-nade so we can get eliminations

It’s not just “supports heal, dps damage, tanks tank” because this is linear. Overwatch is much more dynamic than this.

I suppose if “tryhard” or “meta slave” involves going above the average rank thats fine, however blizzard are seemingly pushing overwatch to force the roles to do damage, which is a key part of their roles. If you want to healbot thats fine, just don’t expect to be catered to, as you’re playing the game incorrectly.