buff reaper or rework him
ignore the mercy mains
buff reaper or rework him
ignore the mercy mains
I don’t play Orisa so I don’t feel I’m in a position to suggest ideas, nor do I have any. But I don’t think increasing her shield health is what she needs, and if it will help her all that much.
Add an arcade mode that is a testing ground for minor tweaks. Bullet spread tweaks, damage tweaks, reload tweaks, duration tweaks, etc. Really minor stuff for fine tuning the current balance on the live server users without impacting the regular modes.
This is all
Im sick to death of people wanting lgbt representation.
•1 first of all you dont NEED an lgbt hero/s you just want one so you it can fill the whole that is what every hero ship you like
•2 most of us in the lgbt society are tired of being treated as lower than normal or higher and giving us a skin or event for us alone is doing EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST
•Stop trying to force blizzards to change existing heros to fit ur desire and just ask them to make a gay hero even then this still isn’t needed because no hero in this game
Has a confirmed sexuality so many people can identify to that person regardless of sexuality
These are just some of the things that i see people doing that really piss me off
Just because they add one doesnt mean they represent it. well said
Permenant PvE coop mode that works for all the heroes and with the standard normal-legendary difficulty.
Buff Reaper.
Pick a role for Sym and buff her to fill the role better. The current jack of all trades master of none just isn’t working.
Rework DF meteor strike to deal more damage, slightly shorter delay between using ult and the damage, and have less falloff. In exchange DF is targetable while falling during the ult, and falls slower so he can be countered with cc or killed if he’s low on health.
Now I want Eric Sparrow as a Hero.
i think we need liao as a hero. look him up
Revert Symmetra, and release 3.0 as Sanjay Korpal. -Everyone- is happy.
Except maybe Genji and Tracer because microwave is back.
Does anybody know how to email this to the devs? If so, please do.
Give us Overwatch Kart.
Have more content on a faster rate and not make only updates that are just cosmetics
Also make golden guns obtainable through a separate method other than grinding competitive
yah i wish i didnt have to go from gold to low silver just to get guns
Nerf ana
Replace reaper guns with flamethrower
Give us cute Brigitte Icon
remove mei and moira