I don't wanna be rude, but now you guys can!

Yeah, I just assumed “more mobile barrier” would be a lower cd so you can move I think around more.

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I can???
O… Oh no… The ptsd of “can you pet”… I…I thought I got over it…


They need more heroes released. If their whole schtick is to be a e-sport, then they’re failing. Stale metas and the same heroes. If they can’t release seasonal events anymore, then they need more heroes, period, or they can’t keep up with lol/dota/etc etc. skins are not content and it doesn’t keep the interest of the playerbase who buys loot boxes, which in turn funds their dumb esports. They need to make the game more fresh and enjoyable

What NEEDS to happen (wants is for another time I guess) is for Orissa to get slightly buffed, and the report system needs to be unscuffed.

Nerf Hanzo

Blizzard should partner up with YourOverwatch, Overwatch Central, etc. to promote platforms to actually learn how the game works. Watching streamers will only get you so far- they play so fast and talk even faster, so analyzing their plays isn’t really helping you learn. The people want changes, but really, they need knowledge. Knowledge that helps you deal with the way the game is BEFORE you try to change it. I ain’t sponsored, but YourOverwatch in particular taught me a lot about this game by slowing things down and contextualizing why this player made that decision, why it was right or wrong, and what they could have done better- which helped me with my own decision-making and play execution down the road.

TLDR: Blizzard shouldn’t have included a competitive mode if they don’t promote any other reliable, credible source for strategy besides Overwatch League. Get the people learning, and you will see a lot less angry players.


Well Said. Really. Well Said.

Pharah needs a cancellable ult and a drop ability so she can get out of the way instead of being a sitting duck. Some other balance changes I won’t mention because controversy and not entirely sure what I think they should be. Lore needs to keep moving. New gamemodes that are fun and engaging (preferably a campaign mode like the Archives event).

you might as well just say it. Overwatch needs to be fixed to say the least.

Well like I said I’m not entirely sure, but this has to do with Mercy. Perhaps changing her ult to a kind of mass rez? So in other words it is an AoE and LoS ult where she can rez anyone she sees in a rectangular area. Kind of the same shape and a little bit bigger than Dva’s Defense Matrix.

that was already a thing if you didnt know. They removed it for a good reason.

Oh I guess I forgot.

*Sombra bugfixes and a slight damage threshold on stealth to not get broken by EVERYTHING INCLUDING SUB 1 DAMAGE
*Revert Doomfist ult and distance changes, and lessen the CC nerfs, but still do nerf it a bit (not 3s to 0.6s tho 4head)
*Rework Reaper’s teleport to behave similarly to a targeted version of Moira’s fade (so it can still reach high ground) but at a slightly slower pace without invisibility and only damage reduction, not full invincibility
*Rework Storm Arrow but keep the side hop
*Give Pharah a similar horizontal burst movement at the cost of some fuel, making her more agile in the air, but also forced to the ground more in a tandem nerf to Pharmercy’s aerial staying power
*Revert Sym’s turret health (May receive other buffs to compensate, idk, but 30 health turrets is garbage)
*Test a mobility skill for Bastion where he temporarily enters a state similar to tank mode for a quick burst movement, then automatically enters or exits turret mode (Unsure about this one, but could prove interesting)
*Revert Brig but either remove AoE healing and buff the repair pack or vice versa
*Do… something to Mercy

Then speed up hero release cycle or at the very least use the PTR to let people test out the in-development heroes and give feedback rather than releasing one hero, letting the game be broken for months, completely destorying that hero to either too OP or too UP, and then moving on to the next one

And finally start adding new content back to events, or do more base content releases like the mini events and the bunch of new skins and stuff we got however long ago.

(Oh and more avoid teammate slots)

Personally I think it’d be healthier for the game if new systems were implemented rather than balance changes.

I don’t think the current balance is terrible, but the meta exists because a few heroes have abilities that are simply too strong to warrant picking anything else, and thus the meta forms around them.

Because of this I think a hero ban system would be fantastic.

I also think a role queue would do wonders for improving solo-queue.

-Rework of Mercy and a “soft rework” of Brig.

-New gamemode for qp and competitive.

-More tanks and supports.

  • Guilds and more social systems.

-Introduction of PvE.

-Better matchmaking.

-More progression.

-More lore.

-Map editor.

-More options for custom games.

-No more than 3 characters of the same class.

New events or mini events.

-Johanna skin for Brigitte.

I really like some of these ideas. Now we pray Blizzard sees some of it (which they won’t).


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Pharmercy needs to be canon. Lgbtq representation and 2 more gay characters just like the lgbtq community wants. Kill 2 birds with one stone

Biggest things I want are good buffs to Symmetra. We should be looking to buff counters to popular strategies as opposed to just nerfing select heroes. I really want a character who can disable movement abilities. Also characters with a below 1% global pickrate should be looked at.

What are your suggestions? I’ve never had trouble with Orisa shields, they’re very easy to break with a shield buster. I personally think her shield needs more health if she wants to be on par with Rein, or her fortify needs tweaked.