Think you can balance better? (game)

Divine intervention

Now I will add an original idea here, this is my concept for a hero

this is Magnus

Magnus is a tank the size of Torbjorn
he is less of a tank in the sense of protecting the team and more in the sense of “holy s**t is this guy hard to kill”

He has 700hp (300hp + 300 armor + 100 shields)
This guy moves faster than the average hero but slower than a running 76
he CAN’T receive healing from teammates

Weapon: dual axes
he has an ax, on each hand and every hit makes the next one faster for a few seconds and stacks for an X amount.
the stacks go away after 3 seconds out of combat

Passive: self-sustain
every third hit heals him for a small amount

Axe Spinner:
he flings an ax around him for up to 4 seconds that deals damage and procs his passive heal also on every third hit
the ax spins faster around him depending on the stacks of Self Sustain
during those 4 seconds, he only has 1 ax which means slower attack rate

for up to 1.5 seconds a line appears on his sight that moves forward and can be moved with the camera to “draw” a path, that an ax will follow going forward and back dealing damage to every enemy on the path
the path is up to 10 meters

Ultimate: Trance
for up to 8 seconds every attack deals 2 hits and turn all your health into armor

there you go, probably broken as f**k but that’s why it’s only a concept