I don't understand the Mercy logic

Because you said it before, and it helps, and it makes both parties happy. But for some reason you keep saying appeasing both parties is impossible. Mercy doesn’t need a mid life crisis change, Valkryie can work if they just change the more auto pilot aspects of it.

Since you like to play the statistics game:

Please compare Mercy’s average damage per match to other healers. Notice disparity.

Please compare Mercy’s average kills per match to other healers. Notice disparity.

Please compare Mercy’s average damage boosted per match to the damage done by other healers. Notice disparity.

Please compare Mercy’s average rezes per match and compare to the kills done by other healers. Notice disparity.

Please compare on fire rates of any character with Mercy. Notice the disparity.

Why do people pick the ONE stat Mercy is good at and ignore the rest? She barely edges out the other healers, but is absolutely horrible by all other statistical accounts.

She is statistically terrible.

She should not be making such a huge sacrifice to barely edge out other healers.


Cuzz you dont pick her for the rezz only.
She has a lot of mobilety that makes her the best healler for dive couse she cann follow up. Like for axample ur gonna attack watchpoint gibraltar. Ur running dive dva, winstion, genji, tracer, zenyata. Best option for you is going Mercy then for the follow ups becouse the map has a lot of highground you as mercy player has almost 0 problems with following up the winston dva. Cuzz most other healler have no mobilety makes mercy best option here.

And she is a good pick agianst this dive as wel. Cus she just have a lot of survivability.
And as solo heal. Most people make mistake by picking Ana as solo heal but she cant heal her self up. And if ya tink about it as solo heal your the key target for the enemys there gonna hard focus you.

Mercy is speacaly good agianst snippers. And if your team has an spawn disadvantage. Like in point A on hanamura.

I can tell ya more situations where mercy can be an better option ,why and gife ya good examples/ better explaned.
But this reaction is gonna be to long mayby add me or something ill help ya I even can coach ya if ya like.

Nahh she is just good healler in some situations. Its not always about the amount of healling dmg and picks she almost never dies. Read my other reaction you wil see what I mean.

Let me clarify this a bit.

There are more than two sides within the anti-Mercy side of things, ie this side is fractured, splintered.

One of the many such splinter groups wants mass rez to return

Another of these splinter groups wants rez in all forms removed from the game entirely

These two positions are mutually exclusive…it isn’t possible to make one of these two groups happy without angering the other.

I think there are some changes that would be ok with those who like Mercy as she is and also please some of the anti mercy folks, but restoring mass rez or removing rez is the only thing that will make some anti-Mercy folks happy, and the result for the rest of us will be even greater numbers of unhappy players than we see now

Does that clarify things? The key problem is the existence of widely held mutually exclusive positions

Sure about that, but the OP is specifically talking about how Mercy is braindead.

Understood, but I was replying to your statement, not the OP’s


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Although I do agree with your points, I don’t think ALL of those statistics (mostly Mercy having lower healing) are 100% because of her healing being too low. I do think it factors in, however, at least because of my own experience playing Mercy, mercy’s teamates choices (particularly the other team healer) also impact these statistics. Especially when I am playing in gold, I notice Lucio will choose heal song over speed boost song, despite speed boost song allowing me to escape faster. In lower ranks there’s not a lot of repercussion for “overhealling.” So Lucio never utilizing his speed boost plays into those stats because then Mercy obviously isn’t healing as often. The same can be said about Moira’s who only heal (which for some reason doesn’t seem to happen on PC?? But that’s a different topic) again, when I’m playing in Gold, I notice Moira will deplete her healing on a Target I am healing, or even throw a heal ball onto a Target I am healing, instead she could be utilizing her damage. I’m sorry, I’m on a mobile device, so my wording, spelling, grammar, might be incorrect but I’m hoping you understand my point— a lot of the other healers have kits that allow them to prioritize other abilities other than just healing over top of the other healer, but when they don’t utalize these abilities, Mercy does pay the price.

Becareful of Overbuff, it’s not 100% accurate. they dont factor in everyone whose played.

WP: offtopic, but ten posts in you’re speaking like you have been on these boards for years. Is this a new/replacement acct? I ask out of curiosity, no requirement that you answer whatsoever

I have been on this forum for quite a long time (maybe over a year and a half?) but up until yesterday, I did not have my Xbox live connected to my battlenet so I wasn’t allowed to post. I’ve also been playing Overwatch since season 1 and started playing comp in season 2. Mercy is a topic I like to study on the forums to see what my peers are thinking because (despite popular belief) the devs do see THIS place and sometimes make judgement calls based on what is said around here.

Thanks for the info

I am a little surprised given this that you don’t appear (to me) to have a full understanding about how the members of the revertmercy/reworkmercy (same thing, different packaging) groups operate, and particularly it’s current leader.

I do understand. I follow a lot of their posts, and your posts specifically. This may or may not be relevant but on console I have around 700+ hours on Mercy, and that doesn’t include (please don’t hate me or think negatively of me) my um… my accounts I use to play with certain friends in different elo’s. So, I’m sure you understand why I’m interested to hear everybody’s opinions on the character. Especially those with strong opinions.

I too am on console, fwiw.

I have no hate for anyone here

With 50 hps you can have the beam on them and they are still going to die.

You can’t save them. You don’t have any other burst healing like the other main healers do.

What can you do? No amount of skill from you can change that outcome.

You can top people up and give them a small change in survival chances, but that is all you have healing wise.

You can’t nade + heal to get someone out of trouble, nor can you orb + spray.

Your ability to influence a combat outcome is pretty limited. That is the problem with her.

The changes have just made it worse.