I dont understand OTHER Mercy Mains

Exactly - people seem to think that where she is is ‘fine’ because the power balance has shifted to something that is more fair for all healers across the board. It doesn’t however address the issue that her current state is just a total snowball of badness from a rework that never really managed to be viable in the first place. It might have worked with some tweaks, but they just nerfed her into the ground because Valk battle mercy was ridiculously OP.

When you’re ressing someone like Profit, sure it’s valuable - for the rest of us average joes however, we’re just ressing average people. It’s valuable in some ways but it’s not as reliable or valuable for Mercy as a player as something like grenade. You can always use grenade, you don’t need someone shielding you or putting yourself out there to pop it off. Sure, res circumvents about 10-12 seconds of inactivity from a player, but is that REALLY so valuable to make it the be all end all of abilities when most players aren’t ressing pro’s in the World Cup??

Valk is just a terrible ult balance-wise and fun-wise (outside of FFA, but the game shouldn’t be balanced around that), it lasts too long, it’s easy to charge, it boosts Mercy’s numbers through the roof, it doesn’t feel impactful at all, and it removes any decision making from Mercy’s kit.

People complain about rez, but IMO the real culprit of Mercy’s current state is none other than her ult. I mean, having an ult that can basically last an entire team fight, that can be attained for almost every team fight and that feels as disengaging as Valk should have never been a thing.

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Completely agree, I think it was a huge misstep and they’ve been struggling to make it work ever since. It was over powered, sure, but it also significantly altered her playstyle in a way that fundamentally shifted how engaging she is to play.

Mercy for the widdow and pharah

A summary of this post:

“I have a high Mercy winrate and average healing per game so Mercy is balanced.”


“Some people said nice things to me so Toxicity towards Mercy mains doesn’t exist”

eye roll

What’s shocking is that it has 50 likes. 50 misinformed souls. :frowning:

I would like to add, it doesn’t feel original. Group healing, Moria does on her “E”. Damage boost, Orisa does for her ult. Also i find that i can never really fly with Mercy’s ult its too risky when they have a aim-bot Soldier or a Widow that’s focusing you. Only time its good is for pulling off a rez or trying to pick a enemy.

Yes, it does, do you have any idea how mathematically favored you are to win a fight 5v6? The ability is so strong that they had to nerf every thing else in Mercy’s kit around it, if you have to debate this point then you don’t even understand what makes Mercy good in the first place and are just straw manning an argument - you could just as easily argue that healing or tanking is only as good as the player you are healing or tanking for and should just play DPS instead because you can click heads. Ana and Biogrenade were nowhere before the Mercy nerf because the expected value of 60hps and Resurrect were higher than anything else, where now the EV is closer and you actually have to make a choice between who to play in what composition.

I understand getting nerfed, reworked and nerfed sucks, we D.va mains have gone thru’ it as well, but just because we D.va mains can’t delete people in one combo doesn’t mean our damage is bad and it is the same for Mercy’s healing now. D.va is still the most played tank because she is the most flexible off tank across all compositions, and Mercy will still be the most picked support for the same reason - especially when people realize how serious a problem it is for your main healer to be exploitable by Doomfist. Mercy has a lot of things going for her that you Mercy mains simply can’t appreciate because you don’t understand what it is like to be limited by a lack mechanicas or mobility, best movement and survivability in the game with an ultimate on cooldown is no joke.

next to this, a lot of the points for “unfairness” comes down to the nerfs, a lot of them think mercy is the only hero thats been nerfed hardly.

But in reality heroes like Roadhog havent been used in proper play for over a year

Frankly I feel like your post discredits you enough on it’s own, and I’m too tired to bother talking with someone who thinks Mercy Mains are only complaining because they ‘can’t appreciate’ the healbot she’s become.

but its different, essentially with res, you can turn a 6v6 from a possible 5v5 back to 6v5 with a simple button press.

Roadhog does need attention, so do a lot of heroes - but people are holding the fact that Mercy players are vocal and persistent against her, as if those two things should somehow mean she shouldn’t get fixed. It’s crazy and defies basic logic.

And my point stands that the PERSON you are ressing matters. We are talking about the average player ressing an average player, not pros ulting a pro sniper or tracer here. In terms of value, nade is better bang for your buck for most players.

Ana’s nade is on an 11 second cooldown. Assuming your match is roughly 5 minutes long, that’s roughly 30 anti nades. In a short 5 minute match I’d say I’d be lucky to get off 3 resses successfully, so - personally, I’d much rather have the reliable quantity of nade than res - particularly since res requires the player you res to be valuable for you to actually get value out of it. If they immediately die it’s absolutely wasted, it’s the definition of unreliable in terms of an ability. Hard to pull off successfully, hard to get true value out of in most games, and hard to get people to see clearly for some reason simply because the word ‘resurrect’ seems to send them into a state of illogical rage.

nade would be better, but it doesnt give more healing, or anti for that long. A res can last the entirety of the game, if your team just dominate from that point on.

I feel like you keep just moving the goalposts but whatever. We’re talking about the usefulness of res and how valuable it is as an ability compared to other healer’s abilities I thought. Also, nothing Mercy does amps up her healing whereas Nade actually does ‘give more healing’ because it amplifies the healing being done, therefore having much more potential for healing output compared to Mercy who is stuck on one speed for heals with no additional factors or amplifiers.

i mean, res is practically almost instant 200 to 600 healing done, plus bringin a hero back into the fight


20 characters…

i mean, i just replied to your, bringing back post.

Mercy initially does heal a tank, dps, or other support fully back to 100% with an ability.

anas nade can heal a lot, but needs to be aimed at already alive teammates

In other words you have no real argument regarding the state of your main or sympathy for other support characters who have to do significantly more than you in order to contribute and survive, if you think Mercy isn’t viable then just play Ana or Zenyata and see what it’s really like to have to reach a mechanical skill cap and defend yourself instead of being able to hold down left click while pressing shift.

The entire community is turning against you people for a reason, you have no objectivity and can’t relate to anyone - you’re like the kids who refuse to eat their vegetable while watching infomercials on starving children in Africa.