I dont understand OTHER Mercy Mains

Doesn’t change the fact that we still think Mercy is not viable and we are justified for thinking so. Her statistics suggest that of a underpowered hero. People make threads about it a lot. Here’s one:

Statistically, if you are playing Mercy right now then you are deranking, and if you’re playing her in high ranks then you’re throwing.

I love this!!

I only recently started playing Overwatch…about three months ago, so I don’t know what Mercy was like back then but I love her! She is one of my mains and I am getting better with her everyday. I even got potg with her once which was cool because you don’t get that very often for a healer.

In my opinion, whenever I don’t play a healer and I have a healer who resurrects me when I died or heals me etc. I make an effort to thank them. I just think it’s the right thing to do… I have been thanked by a lot of players before and it makes you want to do even more for your team. You feel appreciated.

But there will always be toxic people out in the gaming world, I guess the best thing is to not let it get to you.

Thanks for the post. thumbs up

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If you’re a bad player who let your hero carry you when she was overpowered then of course you are going to derank, less than a month after a nerf is not enough time to judge the current state of Mercy and her player base has claimed she is dead after every nerf - I still remember Eeveea threatening to quit the game even when Mercy still proved to be a must pick after the last nerf, so what you think generally proves to be unjustified by precedence.

Give it a season, every other support character has had to give it far more.

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You completely missed the point. As of now, if you play Mercy, you are most likely to derank simply because of how huge the heals nerf is. Saying that people are bad is just a bad excuse because it has been a month and things don’t look like they are going to be getting better.

It really is… I mean, how long did it take for people to realise that Briggite was OP when she was released? Also, some Mercy mains may have claimed this before but her most recent nerf is unnatural to say the very least.

Not if her most recent nerf isn’t remotely similar to her previous nerfs. This is a 17% nerf to her heals we’re talking about.

No. She needs to be fixed now. What I basically got from this is, stats show she’s bad but you need to wait. There’s quite literally nothing that’s showing any signs of her statistics increasing in the future. Her pickrate is still decreasing and her winrate doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon.

I :clap:t2: Don’t :clap:t2: Care :clap:t2:

You people can’t be reasoned with, you’re literally behaving like children by making demands, being unwilling to concede any point or wait any amount of time when the state of other characters is far more pressing and her current condition is uncertain - do you really think any adult in charge of the game is going to capitulate to you?


A whole load of opinion here. I’m just going to say, no hero is more pressing than others. All heroes should be fixed at the same time imo. That being said, I’m just arguing to fix Mercy because that’s my main. I’d happily advocate for any other hero that has issues.

Nope Mercy winrate/pickrate is BELOW what it was pre-rework. That’s not balanced. Below 50% winrate in all tiers is ALSO not balanced. Especially in Bronze where she is supposed to EXCEL and she has THE lowest winrate in that tier. No she is not balanced.

Just to edit onto this post. Mercy’s whole playstyle has changed pre rework to post rework. Only people playing Mercy since the beginning will understand what I’m trying to say here. Mercy’s whole kit pre-rework was based around team play. Keeping your allies alive and Resurrecting players as you obtain your ultimate to keep the pace and momentum of the fight going. Mercy’s kit now is based on selfishness, picking which target is going to get the most pocket due to having a low amount of healing to keep multiple allies alive, using Resurrect solely to keep your pocket alive after making a mistake, Valkyrie being good for your own survival instead of the survival of your allies.

Good lord, you’re just SO COMBATIVE for no reason. I’ve never said that Mercy isn’t viable, in fact many of my posts on Mercy have pointed out that she is ‘power balanced’ but she has problems that need addressing.

And when you want to lump me in with ‘you people’ and just blindly hate them I think you’re the one that needs to reassess some things, come the frig on. Grow up.