"I don't trust the pros and coaches"

Pros play completely different games than 99.9% of the playerbase. Do you listen to professional athletes if you want you pick-up games to be balanced?


The problem I have with “pro teams” is they are very rigid. They play the same comps, even when it doesn’t make any sense. Watching the world cup, there were moments where I was like “switch the hero!” and they wouldn’t. They lost. The only team that did make switches (and actually practiced other heroes) won the world cup. That was quite refreshing.

I will take pro players more seriously when they can switch their team comps on the fly to adapt to a situation rather than mirror 24/7. Most pro teams all they can do is mirror.

The difference between a great team and an exceptional team is the ability to switch tactics. Be it any sport, really. Of course in physical sports you usually has a coach doing it, and it involves physically remove a player and replace him or her with another a lot of times, at least almost as often as just saying “keep to the left more”.

But yes, I have watched a lot of OWL games and it is clear that certain teams have exceptionally skilled one-trick players.

this is completely wrong. pro players have a greater ability to swap things around than any/all normal players. the reason they dont and often mirror is that is the MOST EFFECTIVE thing to do.

bro they want a cc meta… sooo unless you want that

who the hell is a dbag pro??? if thats the case people would be suspended or kick from the league and OWC… if you your’re a dbag mostly likely he;s out

Yet the teams that did not switch lost, but the teams that actually mixed it up won in the end :thinking:.

There were teams in the world cup that got destroyed by a pharmacy because they wouldn’t switch off Doom Mei/Reaper. And you want me to take them seriously? Those teams practice “the meta” and that’s all they know how to do. Then when they get thrown a curve ball aren’t equipped to handle it.


you cant let the pros dictate the game for everyone else then no one would play the game…

some people are filthy casuals… some play it with more dedication but maybe don’t go to deep into comp…

having two balances is probably impossible… so like with all real world problems the solution has to be a compromise that leaves no one happy :stuck_out_tongue:

No, actually its not always the most effective. Sometimes its just the safest way to do things. You dont want to invest time into a counter strategy which might not work out and then give the competition the heads up on practicing the meta which is established to work consistently. Investing time into a non meta comp which might give you an advantage is always inolved with risk and pros are looking for consistency.

That was acute pun

I don’t think you understand. Sombra never made it to the stage. I wasn’t talking about the nerfs that came at the tail end of GOATS (which were also bad), I was talking about the nerfs that came long before that, back in Feb of last year when Sombra got reworked somewhat. Sombra didn’t see any play then, the pros just said they refuse to play against her and so, she got nerfed before they ever had to. The pros and Blizzney share the blame there; the pros for complaining about nothing (Sombra was garbage before the changes and the “buffs” made her slightly less so), and blizzney for listening to them at all.

D-do you not know the legend of XQC?

as a reaper main i can say orisa isn’t op shes just walking talking free hp and ult charge. i slaughter orisa’s daily because there’s pretty much one in every match i play

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this is an incredibly dumb comparison.

and just so you know when you play pickup sports you play based on their rules :rofl:

Widow can’t be a problem because my friend in Bronze cannot aim.

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It’s a perfectly fine comparison, especially since in physical sports you DON’T change the rules to appease the professionals.

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Which means having backup players. We don’t have that in regular games.

Things we usually don’t have in your average game:

  • low latency(players aren’t sitting in same room playing);
  • communication(language barrier or other similar issues);
  • coordination(result of previous two+ no long time training together)
  • replaceable players(which became even worse with 2/2/2. As now, if your DPS/tank/healer currently aren’t in top shape, no one can take their place instead).
  • time before game to discuss tactics. Since you just join game and have only about a minute to pick hero and get to position, there is little time to discuss anything.

Accepting the claims of ‘authorities’ without supporting evidence or reasoning is a common error. Unless someone, no matter how accomplished they may be, is able to substantiate their claims, there is no reason to believe them.


Orisa is A problem, Widow is A problem. There can be more than 1 problem, most meta’s develop, become OP and indeed then fall not because 1 hero is “OP” or “the problem” but because THAT specific combination of hero’s has a synergy that is powerful and is easy to coordinate.

Actually, if you break that down, those 3 bits of advice are all viable

Be Creative - Being creative would be thinking outside of the box, being creative is how a mostly unknown tier 3 team (GOAT’s) beat an Overwatch Contenders team (Fusion University) who had just won Season 1 of 2018 Contenders (going undefeated in that process) and would then go on to win the next 3 seasons of Contenders (again undefeated) … So yes, being creative, thinking outside the box, is a valid bit of advice.

Git Gud - Well, obviously, with dedicated practice (and some time spent in FFA death match) your skills (both mechanically and game sense wise) will improve and that improvement will help you win matches.

Just Switch - VERY UNDERRATED bit of advice, with a game like Overwatch, built on counter picks/counter plays, being able to effectively play a few different hero’s at your SR level and being able to switch back and forth between them when required (depending on map type, team composition and/or enemy team composition/enemy counters) is invaluable and will go a long way to you winning more games.

… It wasn’t a contenders team or pro players or pro coaches who first implemented GOATs. It was a tier 3 team. Pro players, playing in OWL or Contenders have little to no incentive to figure out how to BEAT the “meta” because the time spent trying (and probably failing) to beat the meta would be better utilized on trying to perfect the meta. The incentive is to win games, its harder to win games when you’re trying strategies that are unproven to work.

With the exception of Masters and up (Masters and up representing the top 3% of all players) particularly in solo queue, then you can pretty much play just about anything, any team composition and have a pretty decent shot at winning as long as you have even halfway decent communication.

Well the forums are mainly made off diamonds ,plats and golds. Ofc they the ones to say git gud etc since they havent experienced matches above 3500.

I usually agree with them, but they are also just people that can be wrong. I dont think Orisa is an issue at all, it is the tank counter DPS that prevent the other tanks from countering Orisa.

this is the simplest way to explain it to the people who still don’t understand why game balance is done around people who’ve perfected hero kits rather than those who have not.