I don't think Genji's weak

Dive tanks exist man. I kinda don’t need that and need specifically healing so I can dive right back in again. I am sorry but thats my style of tanking.

I can try shielding for a Lucio but often times they stay in healing boost and never think about speeding me up when they o its usually too late or we get dove on.

Sound like you have gm genjis then.

Ya and rein is not for everyonr but my speed to gelaing is usaly aroud 60 speed 40 healing because you want ot swap back abd forth alot for alot of reasons

I’m so confused. Just put jump on L3. And you can do it without changing your hand position

Not sure what you mean by that, so a good genji is only one in GM? Like what?

Oh snap, mb on the calculations. I was including a quick melee into the dash combo for a 254 damage burst. :sob:

I usually go Lucio with non-dive tanks, brawlers like Rein or tanks with little mobility options. With divers, I like Ana for safe long-distance heals or because the divers can follow up on big purples. Also I love nano Monke.

If anything his kit needs a mobility nerf becuase its way too safe, it’s like how wrecking ball is now where so many heroes can’t even punish him for doing something dumb becuase he can deflect all their attacks, dash ouf, wallclimb and jump away. He has never been anything below mid tier becuase he gets all the fancy stuff.

No what im getting at is genji is a pub stomp hero right now if oyu getting stomped 9 times out of 10 the genjis is a rank or 2 bellow where hes supposed to be i was stomping hard on bronze sivlers and golds till i got back up to plat 1 where i could carry my weight but had to stop at plat one because my internet provider took a crap for know 2 months still waiting on them to fix the problem

Jumps are predictivle i recommended aim trainers with bouncing targets helped me learn to track pharahs as lucio and genji.

Deflect is not Invonrability beams explosives and attacks from the rear all hurt him. Unlike wraith which makes you accualy Invonrability.

Wall climb is a straight line again tracking aim worksglhops woll help alot.

Dash is a very valuable resource the genji has to use well or he dies

Can you post a replay oh Master Genji, sir?

I’m not playing dumb, I just don’t see a problem with more Fun heroes being meta at very high ELOs.

And I just wrote an essay on how uninteractive Sniper counterplay is that got a quarter of a million views.

So the “It’s the same as snipers” was pretty bizarre to me.

Realistically Genji would have even less effective range than Cassidy.

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More fun is subjective.

You don’t got to be a sniper to be oppressive and create unfun in this game. Just look at how many people whined about Brig, or Baptistes Lamp back in the day.

If this was realistic, then Cassidy would of got played when Genji got that power buff but he didn’t. So realistically this is wrong.

Like, realistically and factually. :slight_smile:

brig was so over tuned she could duel reins and win.

and lamp was the first we had ever seen of immortality for the full team

and most of their power level was because of how insane ana was and still is the is the support the seem to base heros off of back in the day.

That’s the thing though. Subjectivity to the invidudual doesn’t matter with large enough population group sizes.

Many people subjectively found Tank to be very Fun in Overwatch 1, but objectively it wasn’t that Fun for that many people.

That said, here’s an 18 minute keynote speech on that subject, with a bunch of science and marketing:

Furthermore, it’s really not subjective at all when it comes to the opinion of the vast majority of streamers who would be acting as “Third Party Marketing Talent” for Overwatch.

Marketing, as you know has a real-world value to it.

And objectively, genji wasn’t fun at 29 damage shurikens so they reverted it.

Are you done now?

Soldier can destroy genji in many ways.

No, I think you’re just dumbing your argument down to “I’m rubber you’re glue” levels.

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This sounds like a r34 movie title

no, it was not i had not problems with genjis bac kin season one when playing support till they ulted because we reawaked an old problem we had in the past speed boost nano genji is the scariest thing after looking at my taxes dear god

Winton’s brain if he wasn’t genetically engineered lmao…

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No only bad players play like that and it’s inefficient now with ammo nerf.

Good genji has to get his combos right.

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