I don't think Genji's weak

I do think he’s just hard to make use of, it’s also kind of dependent on how you hold the controller/ position your hand. He’s one of the very few characters I’ll shift my hand so I can jump while turning/ shooting as opposed to using my thumb for two of those.

He’s either a menace or a nuisance that’s often hard countered/ negated by at least one person on the team. The most I would do to him is either make him more silent to better fit his ninja theme as another post suggested the other day or rework his weapon to switch fire modes like others switch weapons and add a new ability that hopefully wouldn’t break him.

I would much rather Genji were reworked with a more ninja-like gameplay. Right now, he is a spam-based hero. My first thought when seeing Kiriko’s gameplay was that it was a Genji rework to make him more ninja-like and high skilled. She requires extremely high accuracy, precision, and sneaky maneuvering - like you’d expect of ninjas. Genji is generally not sneaky at all, he is spamming double jump or deflecting in the open most the time while spamming low effort shurikens. None of it requires good aim or precision, speed is far more valuable than accuracy on Genji.

Kiriko is designed to make the player play like a ninja. It gives you the tools but puts the requirement on you to be sneaky, to get headshots, and to make yourself unkillable by always being aware of the map geometry and teammates around you. For Genji, his ninja theme is used to remove the need to play like a ninja. His shurikens are some of the best spam in the game, both the burst shurikens and fanned shurikens counter AD strafes even if you don’t track it well. Double jump spams makes it less necessary to use map geometry for cover. Deflect makes you effectively invulnerable for a massive 2s, where you feel perfectly safe standing totally still in the open to aim at your target. Dash is free damage that never misses. The actually gameplay is so opposite of what you would expect of a ninja. The character is the ninja, but the player doesn’t play like a ninja.

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This is the case with every hero and it’s counter picks so I don’t see an issue… even Genji with laser hero matchups

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The only people who think Genji is weak are people who think that their favourite character being anything less than SSS tier means they’re complete garbage.


This doesn’t mean much but I was watching contenders the other day and noticed that most teams were running a genji. I also see him all the time in QP and he’s fine. Idk, if he feels bad to play, understandable, but I don’t see any of the weakness I keep hearing about on the forums.

People who play Genji have a skill set that isn’t transferable to any other hero.

Countering Genji and forcing him to swap is the same as forcing Mercy to swap. Swap to what? The skills used don’t transfer well to other heroes that require different mastery.

Of course you feel weak if you’re always forced to swap and you don’t have anything to swap to that utilises your skill set.

We need to realise that it’s not like Cass swapping to Soldier or Ashe where there is some transferable overlapping skill sets.

We all know Genji isn’t as weak as people say outside of GM.

But if Genji is being forced to swap then they are not enjoying themselves either and feels bad. Then it is easy to say that genji feels bad to play.

The real solution might be another hero that utilises Genjis skills but has a different set of counters.


Or we can up his damage to 29 it wont impact low ranks and only help him compete with tracer in high ranks

So you get killed by the hardest combo to be consistent with itln the game i recoment 2 thing listening for him and if he deflect helix the ground in front of him

That makes no sense hes shotting you thats not spam. Spam is shooting rapit widow shots or shooting rat shots around a corner just because you dont like he has to be in your face to shoot you like reaper with sub par poke dont mens he needs reworked. Stop hating on a character because you cant seem to fight them

Or we have been through is in 2019 for 3 years he was a blade bot and he had stronger neutral back then then he does now. Like for example lets nerf junk rats damage to 110 on his primary would that “small” nerf not kill the heros viable but it would give him the same wiggle room as genji does for his combo. And if they did do this i would want it changed back not saying it should happen just a good example

Yes he does and i say those games and if you watch genji guess what he was doing poking then nano blade hes a blade bot again. Well nkt even a blade bot a nano blade bot his nutral is just horrible to play you lose kills all the time due to high hps anx people living with 1 hp all the time like its insane. Genji is annyoing because he punishes mistakes but teh same is true for him if genji makes a mistake hes dead 9 times out of 10

No fully true alot of his map knowledge and match ups translate very well to lucio

Usaly what ever is hard meta or the only good flanker tracer.

Dude every hero is good below diamond because you can just skill diff your way up. Bastion reaper and genji are all in the same pub stomp boat they suck at higher ranks and need help.

Lol ya no if they did that hero would just be as nerfed a genji. Genji punishs mistakes and low ranks make alot of mistakes. And yes i only play genji for dps because i dont find any other dps fun. But i find all but one support fun and thats why i play mainly support.

It’s the same for every character, there are just some that they’re almost completely helpless against. Any sniper against a dive tank, Genji against Mei/ Symmetra/ Zarya/ Moira, any projectile against Pharah. Though if you’re really good at the game, you might not think some characters are too strong against others because you know how to work around those weaknesses.

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i’m sorry man but as long as ana exist I don’t think he will get another buff. :frowning_face:
Find some cracked ana and duo it will make your life easier.

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congratulations, genji is a soft counter to soldier. so of course youre going to have a bit of a rough time against genji as soldier when he gets close. and please whats with the doom gloom overexaggerations when it comes to genji specifically when i look around in the forums. everybody makes genji to be this invincible, unstoppable monster but i see the exact opposite when im with or against a genji. what is this nonsense.

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Well im a support main so ill jsut play more lucio and brig i guess

He’s not weak. Genji mans just REEEEEEEEEEE when ever he isn’t the best hero.

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Or maybe just maybe we have been throught this like 5 times in ow1 and we dont like being ukt bots its never fun

Not liking being ultimate bots =/= being weak.

He isn’t weak. Express your opinion better.

large skill issue. soldier can easily poke out genji engages with his much superior range and if the genji commits while soldier has his cooldowns, genji dies.

He’s not, but giving him the 29 damage shurikens wouldn’t really do much below Masters. And might calm down some of the Sniper madness at Masters and above. And otherwise would make most Streamers very happy about it. So why not.

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Reaper and Genji teams are absolutely broken. Cant Winston the deflect abusing Genji away because of his Reaper bodyguard. Your stubborn idiot dps or healers won’t have the brainpower to swap to Sym or Moria to get past his deflect so it’s pointless to even fight anymore. Deflect will continue to be a broken and unfair babymode iwin button until we are allowed to melee him.

They did this already and it made him a must pick, lol.

He could spam right click from midrange and just decimate people.

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Okay first off wheb a heros an ult bot that means they are only valuable for their ult and in this case its nano ult bot. Secondly 27 messes with his combos for melee and 250 heros these are super hard combos to do with only 4 damage thresh hold when he doesnt have these combos hes weak on higher ranks because hps has gotten so much higher that we need larger thresh hold for brake points thats why for example junks combo got hurt alot because the thresh hold was lowerd just like genjis. Next his ult has been blanced around nano and zen first was time 8 to 6 second to let zens ult full counter it second was near end of ow1 and makes naked blade low mid aswell as making him more reliant on nano which is only fun for genji ana duos i hate asking for nano from a random ana because i dont know if they are wuth another player so i never ask i only accept. So i would like genji to lose his nano interaction so ana’s can nano other heros and genjis can stop asling for nano every game i hate playing ana for that reason with a genji because they are so needy with the nano