I’m getting the vibe its overwhelmingly flanker DPS mains who are complaining.
This happened when Moira was released. Dive mains went absolutely bananas.
Then it happened when Symmetra got reworked to have much longer lock on range. Flanker mains were saying the sky is falling and the world as we know it is coming to an end, repent ye sinners.
But isn’t that her whole shtick? To be able to deal with dive heroes who have virtually no hard counters?
I keep seeing y’all love lambasting Tracer for being a overpowered god and now you got an answer to help deal with her. And I know you forums also like demanding Genji nerfs, so there ya go.
But nope, we gotta nerf her because she counters those heroes.
I predict, that blizzard will nerf her to the ground because of complainers.
She is meta-changing hero. She is supposed to counter most of current “meta” heroes. That’s her purpose. She isn’t OP at all.
But no one cares. They will complain. As they did with symmetra 2.0, moira, doomfist, sombra buff and will do with symmetra 3.0. God bless Brigitte, don’t let her be nerfed like Sombra. People just can’t adapt and counter, but they will complain and cry A LOT.
Try playing Rein for a night on comp and see how fun it is. Sooooooooooooo much fun, practically reveling in how much fun i have playing Rein into Brigitte hahahaha .
Because you still need a tank in game. It’s just whoever wants to bash their head against the wall and play them for 15 minutes at a time. Overwatches unsung hero’s atm.
A number of hard counters exist for flankers. Mostly on the tank/defense category. Largely, however, teamwork and effective healing negates the weaknesses offensive flankers suffer from.
And you would be wrong. Tanks are the ones who feel the pain of fighting against brigitte most heavily, and they are the ones (rightfully) complaining for nerfs.
The issue around brigitte is the design philosophy. The game has very little incentive to not group up around a small area of the map in fact the opposite it encourages grouping hard around small parts of it burning the short timer cooldowns quickly. Many elements of counterplay are slowly being removed from the game. Brigitte has a low cooldown stun which in other mobas would be countered by team movement away from and around the hero. Until there’s not a hard reason to group up and have a hero with a short cooldown stun there is not other way to really not have it be op. I feel that the fact its in the game and the devs haven’t realized its a problem points more towards their understand of their own game.
Let me explain 3 design traits in overwatch.
high ground control is everything.
Every hero is designed around spamming abilities and winning by pressing q.
The game is functional around a small objective.
This means that every hero that gets away from those things has a smaller part in the meta.
At this point the devs philosophy is shying away from what makes a game stronger competitively by removing options to be outplayed. In general to outplay you need, longer cooldowns, less spam, less devestating ultimates, and reasons to play a larger area of the map. These design philosphies are all but non-existent in their game.
The SHORT TERM FIX should be to put brigitte’s stun on a long cooldown, like 20 seconds.
The REAL FIX should be in the long term-
Adding ammo and side objecties to maps.
Reducing reliance on ultimates and increasing length of cooldowns considerably.
Reducing heals in general.
Increase the ways that generating ultimate abilites benefits the character over the coarse of the game, and not just and a small fight. (for example, burn an ability or save its energy to be put into a stronger version later on)
Balance the hero distribution and bring role queues. Distribution should be about 1/3rd dps, 1/3rd tanks, 1/3rd healers.
Increase the tank count and tank counterplay around the triangle of purpose (damage, cc/survivability, and mobility.)