Maybe the fact that im forced to put my shield down from a no skill stun ability? also the fact that she counters him harder than any flanker in the game. Rein has no mobility, range, or sustain and she cancels nearly every ability of his. She can make him easy pickings once you bring his shield down by chaining stuns on him, which is stupid because his gimmick is to keep his shield up.
Brigitte forces a change in the meta and popular dive / flank heroes have to be more wary with her around. And people hate that, so they complain.
As someone said I am afraid that blizz will nerf her just because all the people complaining.
Also she is not a counter to all the tanks. That is a fat lie hahaha. The only real tank having problems with her is Winston (not Rein).
And even if she was counter of one of the tanks…what with that? a tank can’t have counters?
“She counters every tank?”
Man, have you heard of Orisa? Everything in her kit screams Brig counter.
Briggs is very powerful.
Just probably not because of the reason people tend to whine about on the forums.
I’ve said before I’ll say again- overwatch has a history of players complaining about things that are fine, If you have a grasp of game sense and positioning.
Most players don’t. So they complain about these things- because complaining is easier than learning either of these things.
What makes Briggs strong probably won’t be bash. Sure it’ll be decent. But I have doubts she’ll dominate at a high level of coordinated play because of bash- namely because there’s ways to deal with it
What probably WILL make her strong however, is her capacity to over heal heroes on demand, with an armor value to boot. Not only can she burst heal someone missing a fair chunk of health, the value is enough to still give them full armor value to boot past that.
This will enable all sorts of plays, especially with a decent healer coupled with her.
especially with rally and coordinated teams that will ACTUALLY, you know, rally to Briggs and take advantage of the armor she grants.
If I was to watch anything about Briggs- it’d be her armor granting.
That’s because if both teams are running a Brigitte, Reinhardt is actually the better pick. If it’s just the enemy team running her, Orisa is better. Since Brig is being played on virtually every team right now (regardless of weather that’s because she’s new, OP, or both), Reinhardt is seeing more playtime than he otherwise would I would think.
The fun is that thanks to Brigitte, Rein is having a second golden age. I cant remember the last time I saw him with such high pickrate xD
But in general is what Brigitte did. She is not OP at all, she just is strong vs some of the popular heroes. But now you see more Rein, more Zaryas, Orisas, Soldiers (surprisingly good vs her), Doomfist (I forgot he exist), Sombras (that hack hurts xD), Bastions… And others keep the same or appear a bit more, like Pharahs, Junks and Widows.
And still a Tracer is not useless at all, since a good one will keeps at a safe range. But at least Brigitte has chances of kill her or defend the other support (because Brig should never be your only support haha). And Dva is still very good.
Like on most of mobas, a new character may change the tier list. Is the most normal.
The problem is that people dislike changes, so is better burn the “new heretic element” instead avance and adapt xD
Only and ONLY in GM tracer is a overpowered master and below all negative winrates.
I’m a tank flex and I’m complaining. She is op, broken, busted.
She’s oppressive to 80% of the roster not just flankers. Safe to say she’s a problem now. And I was on the hopeful side telling people to chill out for awhile. I’m literally holding out on placements till I see if she gets adjusted a little here soon.
It’s been a whopping two days since release and I don’t think brigitte even passed 0.30% pickrate ,too early to judge.
What I predict for tanks though : MASSIVE fall in winston’s pickrate and to a degree ,a rise in reinhardt ,zarya and hog pickrates.
So I just swap my Rein for a Pharah? Awesome.
Problem solved everyone. Panic over.
I think if they just made her unable to bash a Rein with his shield up and then gave Rein a new ability that allowed him to fortify his shield for uninterrupted regen+increased amount of shields he would fare better in general. He still has the empty reload key, make use of it Blizzard!
I know you’re just takin’ the p*ss, but…that actually might work lol.
Brigitte punishes Rein, so…
I don’t agree… Just saying.
I’m a tank main and Brigitte is easiest to take out with Rein.
It just takes several swings of the hammer.
You seem to be relying on your shield too much.
Rein has a lot of health and sometimes you need to use it.
Actually, all the tanks can deal with her. You just need to know how.
Roadhog has the hardest time against her.
yeah, im preparing to see a third main die
- rip Ana
- rip reinhardt
- rip braguette
In pro scrims, Brigitte is must pick. Thats enough. Try to play some comp and get stunned every 5 seconds.
Actually, I find that Roadhog is the worst against her.
Winston handles her pretty well if you stay just the right distance from her.
He has 2 meters over her rocket flail’s range. She can close that distance with her shield bash and whip shot, but that isn’t that big of a deal as long as you make that distance again quickly.
Complaints are from tank players. Including myself. The hero is a must pick. If u dont have her in Master/GM you lose 95% of the time.
Literally just came off a comp game where our rein tilted off the face of earth and said he’d never play Rein again because of how gamebreaking Brigitte is. And that’s a person with hundreds of hours on Rein.
She also counters tanks. And other supports. It’s not just dps mains complaining ffs, take a look at the front page every once in a while and you’ll see all the RIP Rein/Winston threads.
Oh I can’t wait for the howls that come with Hanzo 2.0 Not really but you know