I don't know why people say Widowmaker has a delay between charge shots Edit: I guess I was right

It’s obviously untrue. Anyone who has ever played Widowmaker knows this.

I know on the Gamepedia is says “0.5 second delay before it starts charging again,” but this doesn’t reflect reality.

Look at any clip of Widowmaker firing consecutive shots or try it yourself. Time how long it takes for her shot to start charging again after she fires.

The delay, if there even is one, is OBVIOUSLY 1/20 of a second or less.

Even if I literally smack start/stop on the timer the charge already happens.

Why is this misinformation still floating around out there?

(Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe it’s a typo and it’s supposed to say 0.05 SECONDS before the next charge shot.)

EDIT: So now Blizzard is saying something like Widowmaker’s charge time is 0.83 seconds. If we assume her charge time is 0.75 seconds, as shown in the Gamepedia, then this means her charge delay is actually 0.08 seconds, which means I was right.

There is a delay after a shot is taken that lasts about as long as it takes for her recoil to stabilize.

If there were no charge delay it would immediately begin charging the instant I fire.

Gamepedia would be correct.


If you actually time Widowmaker’s shots and time from the literal moment the shot is fired onwards she is already charging before 0.1 seconds has passed. I counted it myself. The delay is too fast for me to accurately time, which means it cannot be anything close to 0.5 seconds.

try this.

using a microphone record the audio of you clicking as well as the game audio while charged in, with a program like audacity find the moment you click (it would be a spike in the audio) and set that as your start timer. Then find the moment the fully charged sound effect plays. Subtract the fully charged sound time from the start time and the remaining time should be the delay from firing to when the charging starts. For precise things like this using your eyes is a fools game.

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No she actually has a… and get this… a .5 recovery before her next shot can start charging. That same thing that was such a detriment to doomfist players. That’s how quick it is. It’s basically the animation lock that needs to play out.

Widowmaker does not have a 0.5 second recovery time.

When heroes like Soldier 76 and Mercy had 0.5 second delays on their weapons or abilities it was incredibly obvious.

With Widowmaker if you literally spam shots just SLIGHTLY under the maximum speed with which you can click, her charge already starts.

You want to know another reason how I know it’s less than 0.5?

Training room multi-kills. If your next kill happens more than 1 second later, it wouldn’t count as a double kill, or triple, etc. This is true for heroes like Torbjorn and Sigma with slow fire rates.

Widowmaker DOES have it count. If she had a 0.5 second recovery time + 0.75 max charge time she could never get consecutive kills fast enough for Athena to call out.

What if i told you Ana’s scope in animation is .5 seconds… Widows .5 recovery plays out during her recoil set animation. So you see something happening which makes it feel quicker. Ana’s scope in is the same way. Meanwhile the same time goes by and you don’t see any animation during that time frame, and it feels much longer. The case of Doomfist was an example of this.

It’s that theory of relativity stuff some Einstein guy was talking about.

Edit: Also it should be noted… the recovery is on her charge time. She can spam shots instantly no problem, they’ll do next to no damage though. Though, testing it out right now, she does seem to only be able to fire twice a second spamming it.

Even if we assume I’m wrong and that the recoil animation takes 0.5 seconds or her charge has a 0.5 second delay that doesn’t explain Athena.

Athena only announces multikills when they take less than a second between the next one and the current one in the training room.

Widowmaker is capable of hitting 100% charge before she takes the next shot which registers as a multi-kill.

For Widowmaker to gets multi-kills at all she HAS to be capable of firing her next 100% shot faster than 1 second of time.

Is this written down somewhere, because I’m pretty sure this is false. You can count out loud 2 seconds before another kill and it still counts as another multi announce.

Edit: Maybe closer to 1.5. Makes sense since widow’s .5 recovery, and .7 for charge up 200hp kill

Looks like I was close to the truth. Blizzard itself says Widowmaker has a 0.83 second charge time. So unless her total charge happens in 0.3 seconds, there is no way she has a 0.5 delay time in between shots.

Except she does have a 0.5 second delay which you can find using the Workshop. Simply chase a variable when firing her primary and stop chasing when she fires again. The shortest amount of time between shots with 0% charge is 0.5 seconds.

Here’s the code 98ESS

(Got from this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/f0dyul/challenging_the_patch_notes_finding_widowmakers/)

May I ask how you did that?