I dont get why theres complaining about supports

Just got the beta last night and played 2 game of tank, 1 game of DPS, and 9 games of support.


Ana/Zen are broken. Still. No surprises there.

Brig is INCREDIBLY fun. Like, all I want to do is get back on and play more brig. I love the 5s CD on bash.

Moira is also MUCH more fun. It was really cool looking for good opportunities for necrotic orb. Morbing a roadhog just as he gets a hook chef’s kiss. And doing all that WHILE using healing orb feels very strong.

Bap, also very strong but kinda meh to play tbh. I think IF is much weaker in ow2 and his shield break is more situational.

Lucio I sucked with. Mercy i don’t really play.

So yeah. Unless all the complaining is coming from mercy otps, i really have no idea what the complaining about.


no one that plays support complains that they are weak.
some people are mad that they cant healbot anymore but the big thing is that theres nothing new in the support role.
the other two roles got reworks and a new hero each while supports got zen with a boop and moira with an ability that is soon to be nerfed.


You’d think after dealing with unpopular tanks in OW1, we’d be able to differentiate between β€œImpactful” and β€œFun to play”.


support is both impactful and fun to play though. its just you have to be proactive now.


Clearly not as fun to play as Tank or DPS.


The OW Team is an expert in destroying things, the role support right now is like the role tank of OW1, nobody wants to play it, why? no buffs, no reworks, Mercy is absolute trash (one of the most popular heroes in the game and support), absurd nerfs (Where they have to nerf is Ana’s nano and Zen damage Orbs… .)


Maybe because I’m a hardcore player, but they don’t play the same. Like at all. So even though I played a lot of ana/Zen in ow1, it’s a different experience now.

But I agree. Supports need more content. They need more heroes. They DONT need more power or DPS nerfs or anything like that.

And tbf I would say the brig and Moira changes are straight up reworks. They got substantial changes to the core of their kits.


they have the new things. support does not. we have had years of this exact thing happening with new hero launches. it baffles me that people have forgotten how this is the exact same thing. i get that its been 3 years but christ

I think supports were weak on day one of Beta 1, but over time most of them have been properly balanced. A few still need some buffs/balancing, ESPECIALLY MERCY, but overall I think the narrative that they’re weak is just people stuck in that mindset, and failing to re-assess.

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So does this guy not play support?

Been a Lucio main for like 2 years, been having a great time.


So let’s say we’re 2 months past October 4th.

Do you anticipate that Supports will be equally popular to DPS players?

Especially after the game gets flooded with FPS players from other F2P games.

I just don’t see that happening. Like not anywhere close to that.


if they think supports are weak, they most certainly dont play support well.

absolutely not. support has never been as popular as dps.

So we’re in agreement that the devs should be working really hard right now to increase the popularity of the Support role?


Then 90% of proclaimed support mains on the forums can’t play support well. Because 90% of the complaints are about nerfs, lack of buffs and being weak.

yes. the solution is quite simple too. avoid making heros like mercy where the best play is to pocket someone and give us more than 7 heros to choose from.


90% of the playerbase is awful at the game.


Yes, however also for those who do want that. Make Mercy really good at a β€œMercy playstyle”.


Aren’t they? Moira and mercy got reworks. Zen got a new toy, as did bap.

Is there any support that’s missing?

Re: new hero, I think they knew with beta 1 that support needed new stuff, but it was probably too late to pivot to a new support in beta 2. Beta 3 will have a new support and we will see what they try past that.

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