I dont get why theres complaining about supports

Or players that like to play support in a more safer passive way. That dont like engagements.
Which isn’t all support players.


When Fox hero drops and then the two other supports come out in the first few seasons, yes their popularity will sky rocket. But DPS class will always be popular no matter the power level.

I fully switched from playing dps to playing Bap, he just do dps job better while immortal and able to heal teammates. Playing dps is miserable, unless you have a good mercy pocket.

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I hard disagree. hot take but I genuinely cannot stand mercy. she makes phara literally impossible to balance and her carry potential relies on someone else being good at the game.
she is awfully designed. shes fine in a vacuum but the game is not a vacuum.

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Can’t say I agree, sojourn is crazy fun.

If you’re only good with a Mercy pocket then you don’t deserve it /s


But will that hype last longer than a few weeks?

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I think so. We can speculate all we want but new heroes bring hype.
Supports are impactful and powerful in OW2, regardless of people falsely saying they are weak.
Fun is subjective. As Some might not see supports as FUN in OW2 because their idea of FUN is not engaging, and playing passive in the backlines behind cover.


You genuinely think that 2 months after October 4th, that Support will be near equally popular as DPS?

Seems kinda delusional to me.

Especially after the highly likelihood of flooding the game with FPS players from other F2P titles.


I think the overlooked thing about new heroes is that they hit new playstyles that the game has never seen before.

For example I was a monkey main for a long time and then I quit the game for a bit. When I came back I tried out ball and became a ball main.

I don’t think monkey could hold my attention like ball can. It speaks to me more as a player.

So I imagine there are some supports out there that kind of like Lucio or brig or whatever, but are kinda eh about it. Maybe they are eyeing DPS/tank or other games.

But when fox girl comes out, that will be it for them. That will be the hero they were waiting for, and what encourages them to keep playing support for a long time after.

DPS have always been popular role, Nothing will ever change that.
Thats how it is in ALL games that feature classes. Nothing is strange or unusual that DPS has always been and will continue being the most popular.

Why would the support role have to be as popular as the DPS role. All they need to do is be a bit more popular than they are now. And new heroes will make that happen.

More players playing OW2 will also help that. Supports will be just fine.
Dont let the loud voices of a few heal-bot mains fool you into thinking their is a huge problem to fix.

Yeah, but that’s basically rolling the dice and praying. Which is a like financial Russian Roulette.

We can sit here all day and proclaim that supports are strong and that support players need to adjust to the new game pace (it does take an adjustment period). We can hope that a new support will draw people back in, because the reworks and updates haven’t so far.

But doesn’t change that many people don’t want to play support in OW2, and it’s leading to disastrous queue times. Which indicates that there may be another issue in play here. Is it the gameplay loop? Is it character kits? How do we increase the support population?

Because telling people they’re wrong about support strength and that they need to get good isn’t going to fix the problem.


Because otherwise you got a queue time problem.

And granted I don’t expect to ever reach that goal fully, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be trying to push in that direction as much as is possible.

And tbh, for every 1x butthurt “Why do Supports have more carry potential” DPS main that would quit over powercreeping Supports, there’s 3x-to-10x DPS mains that would quit or not-join due to bad queue times.

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  1. It’s the opposite of Russian roulette because the chamber with a bullet means your hero was a hit. The other chambers do nothing as normal.

  2. It’s a matter of probabilities. You keep adding heroes that hit different playstyles, eventually there is enough content and most people are satisfied. Each hero release is random, but after enough releases success is inevitable.

Well, I guess my demand for the fun is way different =)

Well, in the absolute worst care scenario, that supports are the bottle neck and never increase in popularity, would hopefully make Blizzard take drastic measures like they did with tanks.
And eventually tweak supports like they did to tanks. Make them Combat medics like they made tanks heavy DPS heroes. Worked great for tanks fun factor and people wanting to play tank. Even further is 1-3-1. But again this is the most drastic scenario.

Because the wrong thing to do is to increase their healing or give them all “hit 1 button and win” abilities".

Well then 1-3-1 would be an option eventually for the devs if this were really the case and they cared about pleasing the majority.

But we are both looking at this with different biased solutions.
You may want the supports to have more healing, more HP more mini ultimate abilities on cooldown, but i think that is 100% the wrong way to go.


Wait what? If our goal is to FIND players’ the problem, then the first step is to get them to stop reporting the WRONG problem.

  1. As far as I can tell support is fun and impactful.

  2. Fun is subjective, impact is not

  3. Supports mains keep saying support is unfun BECAUSE they are not impactful

So what is blizzard supposed to think here?Certain supports feel weak and aren’t having fun, while others feel strong and are having fun.

Sounds to me like a skill issue? Do you want blizzard to make it NOT a skill issue? What would that look like?

What’s new is not being chained to just doing healing. OTOH, Supports who don’t like to get a few elims at least including Mercy are literally causing losses now.

Pretty much on point.

I think this isn’t an Overwatch-only issue. Support role is by far one of the least popular role, if not the most in the majority of games like FPS and such.

The amount of ppl that prefer pew pew over providing heals/ support is huge, but that’s just how it is and has been.
Hopefully “new toys” will give a refreshing air to support role/ players.


It’s actually Tank, not Support. OW reflects the general popularity DPS > Support > Tank.