I don't get 6v6 with 2 tanks

Not even close to what I’m saying.

I’m saying it’s not impressive for a person to have correct predictions if they have a lot of guesses. If you had 200 posts on the forums with 70 correct predictions, that’d be incredibly impressive. 76,000 posts with a few dozen correct is actually not that good.

I understand what you’re saying, and your opinion is very valid. It just (in this case) is a fairly normal opinion for an average player.

That logic doesn’t apply to changes nobody else is talking about.

well duh, the game is balanced for RQ right now, so ofc OQ is not going to be balanced at all

You have to remember that their current stats, even with the reduced health are still better than their OW1 counterparts

OQ tanks still have headshot reduction, knockback resistance, passive healing, all their damage buffs etc

Theres also only 5 players on the field that can pressure these defensive resources, as opposed to 6 in 6v6. That extra tank can actually put in work for shield pressure

It’s because these tanks were considerably weaker and squishier in 6v6. The April fools patch didn’t revert the extra stats all the tanks got going in 5v5 plus there were no passives for tanks too so hitting headshots or booping them or even shooting them was actually useful.

Just for context, Sigma and Zarya had 400HP in OW1 while bastion alone has 350HP in OW2. Mcree could 3 tap these tanks or widow could do 1 headshot + bodyshot to kill them.

This is false. Damage-role heroes could solo Tanks.

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Okay Blizzard employee #129.

Anyway, we need to bring 6v6 back because the majority weren’t shooting shields for 10 minutes, just like they never played goats or dive and therefore forcing garbage changes on everyone is a bad thing. Going back to 6v6 isn’t a bad thing thankfully because it restores the gameplay to what it should be.

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Why are you shooting shields instead of picking flankers to go around them???

Go Ball or Doom and go past. Hog and Ball torture, etc.

Stop playing this game like it’s a lasagna with “layers.” Tank then DPS then Support all in a cake layer, walking towards each other.

Go around, go over. Flying heroes, dive heroes, flank heroes, etc.

go figure i mean they are the ow2 versions of the characters of course 2 of them are gonna be broken. If they reverted them back to ow1 stats itd make a lot more sense.