I Didn’t Understand the Call for Venture Skins…

…until Space Ranger released. Juno seems like she’d have some dope cosmetics, and I just want options to customize her. I wasn’t a fan of Venture (artistic design nor gameplay), so I didn’t really feel the hurt. Just seemed like players were complaining about cosmetics. Now I feel your pain…


I do not understand why people are not calling for Reinhardt skins. How long has it been since his last one? The wait is agonizing.


like a month ago when he got that transformer skin… lol



I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not but I just counted and that man has gotten 11 skins since ow2 dropped… what do you mean “calling for reinhardt skins”??? lmfao

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Yea remember when ow1 heroes would drop with 2 legendaries, 2 legendary re-colors, 2 purples?

And then they decreased it to 1 legendary, 1 legendary recolor, 1 purple for new ow2 heroes…

And then they decreased it to zero legendaries, zero legendary recolors, and zero purples for more recent heroes…

But ay f2p, more money more content!! amirite!?

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The cosmetic pipeline is clogged up. I would not be surprised if the hero development pipeline starts showing issues down the line.

Though, given how long they’ve had this new hero pipe-line going since OW1, there might not be an issue here; still OW2 is releasing four heroes per year instead of three, and that’s faster than what they used to do.

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Only eleven skins? See… That is the problem. They just keep disrespecting us Reinhardt players. We want to give them money, but they give us so few opportunities.


You Reins have the cardboard skin, it’s the best one in the game. If I could pay them to delete every other Rein skin for the good of us all, I would.

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First rule of interest-- everything is sarcasm unless proved otherwise

i dont know if interest has a rule, more like parameters based on inputs

And he also got the very first mythic weapon in the whole game. :joy:

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Its tragic Venture has only gotten the Ice Cream skin. Way to tease us all Devs! :weary:

He is bound to get the Arthas skin for the WoW crossover next week.


theyre complaining just to complain. kiriko and mercy take all the heat for the lack of skins and love for venture. once they get what they want, theyll find something else to be unhappy about

I feel the same with Tracer.

“But Tracer has a lot of skins!”

How many battle pass skins has she gotten? Like c’mon. Give the poster girl a little smth smth


Lightning is all she’ll ever need.



You can tell they are working off backlog skins after laying off most the devs. Only new development goes to Mythics and the Colabs while the battlepass gets filled with recolors and old completed ones. I mean, Arctic Lucio in the Egypt theme battlepass, and Arctic Bap when you buy coins this season? Was also one of the skins they showed off before OW2 was even released so we know it’s an old one.

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didn’t we all agree that we only ask for kiriko skins? missed the memo if that changed.

Venture would get more skins if it was easy to design androgenous skins and have them not be offensive to the players that associate themselves with them. I think thats honestly the problem because they could easily just design stuff thats too feminine or too masculine and just irritate everyone else. I honestly think they should just give venture extremely musculine skins and extremely femine skins both basically and then let players say today is a venture male day that way their designers dont have to tip toe around the fact that venture is a them and not a he/she

Ventures base design already looks like they jump face first into each of their burrows, the androgynous design is out the window from the get go. They just don’t have the staff to work on skins like before.