I did it! (15 char)

Honestly can’t tell if this is your best effort at a troll. Suffice to say, if the other person can’t tell, it’s not a very good one. Maybe try again?

I didn’t even delete the original comment?

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Low effort comments? They were a fair amount of points

I followed you? That was my first post involving you. And how on earth did I delete my post? Quote where I deleted anything I said.

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I never said “How high of a rank I am.” Now you are just making up things.

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I am in gold. Why would I brag about that? That’s the average rank.

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I never deleted a single comment. Or edited any besides the first one which I added on to. You love lying. It would tell everyone I deleted something. Not a single comment is deleted. And it tells what I edited. Only one was edited.

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The sarcasm and anger in this reply lmao

I got so close last season, almost broke my career high of 1425. Probably gonna give up tho, I don’t have enough time to play comp.

Good luck on getting to gold! Hopefully I’ll see you there in a few seasons

Why are you harassing this dude it was a misunderstanding

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Well, you didn’t need to say something so obnoxious. Going from one rank to the next is a HUGE achievement, I should know, I just got back to high plat. If you wanna trash talk someone, go to a Mercy thread, instead of this positive one.

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It can be really hard to carry at that level, got a 12 player kill streak in arcade and still couldn’t capture the point.

Congratz dude next is gold!

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Never trashtalked them

Eyyyy, gj my dude! :^]
pat pat


Okay :grin:. It just kinda sounded like you were rank-shaming him/her.

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Congrats :slight_smile: May the SR Fairy continue to dust you with wins~


Definitely not. Bronze is, I heard, the worst rank to climb out of. So climbing out is probably a good thing. Or I would assume it is for most.

Ay climbing from one rank to another is good!Even though you may drop to bronze again,remember that you made it to silver and you can do it again!And one day you will get that sweet gold rank,if you keep improving!
And holy hell that thread went from"I made it to silver"to"Why this person lies and/or is also a rank shamer".

Is the SR fairy Jeff Kaplan?OwO…I wanna see Jeff in a fairy costume holding a bag of dust/salt and the bag says"SR dust".

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petition to make this happen

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