I can’t do more. I am tired of trying my absolute best every single game and people not reciprocating. I have had games where I play Road or Soldier and have every medal across the board in MASTERS a rank which is supposedly the top 5%~ of the playerbase.
I can’t do more. I shotcall everything and try my absolute best to make sure that anyone below 50% HP is always called out or an individual who is out of position is targeted or someone who has used cooldowns is focused.
I can’t do more. I fill for whatever role the team needs and have mastered a select group of heroes that I specialize in.
This is why the SR system is not a true reflection of your skill (but is still pretty good). Imagine if you were grouped up with like-minded people. You’d probably higher ranked. But you get matched up w/ sub par people, which is a “co-incidence” so you are a slave to the matchmaker…
This is precisely why the whole SR based on win/loss is garbage. Because one person can significantly outperform and still lose because 5 other people are throwing. Does that mean that the good player is bad?
The argument is that “it always evens out in the long run”… That long run is ages… so GG… Just play for fun.
Well. Maybe you can’t do more. But a GM on your account would have little difficulty grinding up. There’s no shame in capping out at Masters. I doubt I’ll ever get there. But if you are committing to getting better, you’ll need to ditch your attitude and get a coach who can help you see what you’re missing.
Okay - this is fallacious. If Kabaji an individual who outclasses me immensely can get stuck in masters for over a month their is something fundamentally wrong with Ladder.
You don’t want to be Masters btw (Maybe you do idk). Masters is just GM’s sloppy seconds and quite literally LFG disappears.
High Masters and low Masters are both atrocious. Mid Masters is pretty good though 3700/3800 are both solid
Was this Kabaji’s goofy platchat account? Where he was having chat tell him who to play? That doesn’t really count as Kabaji wasn’t playing his mains and switching to counter, like a GM does to rank up.
You do realize that the point he was trying to make was that he could rank up solely off of gamesense and shotcalling/communication right?
So you’re telling me that just because he wasn’t playing Tracer or Soldier his mechanical skill and gamesense aren’t enough to carry him?
Also GM players DON’T switch to counter (at least not in my experience). I’ve played in comp with them plenty of times and often they’ll play whatever they want regardless of what the enemy is playing.
Masters and GM aren’t any better in terms of peoples willingness to cooperate or counter-pick.
The grass isn’t much greener on the other side if you catch my drift.
Nowhere did I say Kabaji was “Hardstuck Masters” ; however the duration that he was in Masters and where the game placed him after completing placements shows that the matchmaker and Placement system do not function adequately and the efficiency of SR distribution as well as matchmaking should be questioned.
He wasn’t forced to play those heroes - he did so of his own volition, climbing is not impossible, but it isn’t as optimized or efficient as it should be either and Kabaji’s PlatChat account is a perfect example of that.
The fact of the matter is that due to the differentiation in individuals SR and MMR across all ranks people are stuck in ranks that they cannot carry themselves out of.
Throwers go unpunished, Smurfs go un-restricted, One-Tricking is STILL encouraged by the system, and none of that is okay.
It is my personal belief that the Matchmaker in Overwatch is flawed in the sense that it tries to force a 50/50 winrate across all ranks which isn’t how game progression should be attributed imo.
The fact of the matter is that games are lost more frequently to throwers and leavers rather than being outplayed and that is unacceptable.
GM+ players pull themselves out of master constantly. You can do more, and if you can’t climb out of master with your main heroes, you just don’t have the skill to do it. If Kabaji only played his main heroes, he’d be 4200 in no time. If you want more proof, go back and look at all the damn bronze to GM streams people have done. Even Stevo on garbage old sym climbed through master successfully.
Kabaji being stuck in master on an account where he’s forced to play what a bunch of trolls want him to without the ability to switch even if he’s being shut down is a really silly thing to use to justify your performance.
You are not “forced” to 50% winrate.
Initial placements might be flawed but after enough games it is actually pretty accurate, all my accounts are within 200 SR of my main after starting from different ranks.
The fact of the matter is that due to the differentiation in individuals SR and MMR across all ranks people are stuck in ranks that they cannot carry themselves out of.
I feel like there should be some special prize for being the highest ranked person on the forums who doesn’t understand the difference between forced 50% win rate and predicted 50% win rate.
You do realize that even by having a predicted 50/50 winrate rather than a forced winrate my point still applies right?
In other competitive oriented titles rather than having some hidden number determine who you’re matched with you are simply queue’d with individuals of a similar Rank to you. This system means their are defined things you can improve on and the perception of skill is much more pristine.
I don’t exactly like being insulted as I don’t proof-read everything I write. Strawmanning my argument to prove your own point is inherently disingenuous btw.
I think the fact that games are set-up so that it’s close to 50-50 is a good thing. You (and everyone else would HATE) getting matched up against players who had 80-90% chance of winning… i.e stomps.
But there might be games where you get matched up such that YOU might be REALLY GOOD on the team to make up for another REALLY BAD player to average things out. I’m sure they do as much as they can to prevent that but when there is not a lot of players to go around in higher ranks such as yours, that will happen
In games like Dota 2 they don’t try and make a “predicted 50/50 winrate” whatsoever - and that’s what makes the games so intense and hardcore and allows the ranks to be extremely well defined. In Dota 2 ELO works much more effectively because the skills needed to rank up are outlined well and presented in a way that makes them feel achievable.
Edit: I was wrong - sorry!
Overwatch’s Ladder on the other hand is atrocious.
Valve has stated that matchmaking tries to fulfil several criteria:
The teams are balanced. (Each team has a 50% chance to win.)
The discrepancy in skill between the most and least skilled player in the match is minimized.
The highest skill Radiant player should be close to the same skill as the highest skill Dire player.
The discrepancy between experience (measured by the number of games played) between the least experienced player and the most experienced player is minimized.
Each team contains about the same number of parties.
For example, the matchmaker tries to avoid matching a party of 5 against 5 individual players.
Players’ language preferences contains a common language.
I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing this out, I was certain they had phased it out a long time ago.
You do have to admit that the methodology of matchmaking is far superior.
These points should honestly be applied to Overwatch’s Matchmaking as well this would completely mitigate the point of smurfing based off of game time and player skill alone.