I can't do more

I’m not sure why you think it’s different in any league. I’ve been in silver through to Diamond and it’s the same all the way up.

This is because most of the playerbase never actually grinded, but pretty much placed within or 1 rank out of where they ended up.

It’s so rare to see a guy that was silver in season 5 hitting masters season 11. These are the only try-hards (unless boosted) that will do what it takes to play.

Everybody else don’t have this appreciation because they’ve either climbed only one rank, or sat in the same rank for 5 seasons straight.

I feel you, I started in Gold in Season 6 and climbed to Masters.

Nearly 300 Games this Season got me to a rank where I’m comfortable, still going for GM though lol.

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Still though, that reaper win-rate. I wouldn’t accept defeat just yet. Though end of season is usually a crap-storm, so maybe DM and Lucio ball your last few days and aim for GM next season.

That’s my aim for masters

I’m currently trying to expand my Hero Pool for DPS outside of just Reaper, he’s good but if you do well in Masters games it doesn’t take long for the enemy to just be like:
"Screw you in particular"

Suddenly their team switches off of Dive to Rein, Zarya, Hanzo, McCree, Brigitte, and Ana. I might start keeping track of how often that occurs lol.

Probably going to practice Hanzo/Genji/McCree in DM for these next few days.