I cant be the only one that thinks that Ana's Sleep Dart' hitbox is too large

I mean, ive been hit behind corners more than i can count idk, there definetly is a factor of it not stopping ur momentun so sometimes it seems like it hits u like 5 meters behind a corner but still, it still feels like its way too big, maybe some1 can prove me wrong?


A mixture of jacked up Hero hitboxes, Ana’s insane sleep hit box, and “fAvOr ThE sHoOtEr MeChAnIcS”

Yeah, it’s one of the larger projectiles in the game, despite being called a dart.


Do ya have exact data on that sheiz? feels like old Hanzo logs tbh.


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No data, but you can test it in the practice range. It’s similar to Lucio’s primary.

Hanzo arrow: “Am I a joke to you?”


For such a small dart it is rather large, it’s about the size of a medicine ball.

For rockets, they might have a “proximity fuze” to detonate if close but for a sleep dart it’s weird.

In contrast, Roadhog’s Hook has an infinitesimally small diameter, the model of the hook can clip through your character model and not hit you, the centre of the model has to pass through your hotbox for it to connect.

The hanzo “log” meme is a joke yes.

I can’t prove your feelings wrong… but I can say it’s big because it’s one of her only reactionary defenses on a long cooldown and it has a strange cast time.

The only place I found it oppressive was Total Mayhem… and that got nerfed.

I will repeat that I absolutely HATE getting slept and as a hog/ball player I get slept… a lot… but I don’t find it unfair, just annoying.

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It’s actually pretty slow and has a wind up animation. If you made the hitbox smaller it would need to travel faster.


Hanzo’s arrows aren’t big. It’s just the hitboxes in this game are huge

Well we did get alot of data , it seems its slightly larger than Lucio’s primary,thx either way.

Apperently its twice as large as Hanzo’s logs.

Wow… thats an fantastic post with lots of data there, it seems its actually twice as large as Hanzo’s logs, and almost a whole rocket, that kinda of explains it, there definetly is still the “momentum issue” wich makes it look like its 2 meters long but it definetly seems to still clip u past corners, i for one would rather it get nerfed/changed to Hanzo’s arrow size but tad bit faster projectile speed.

As i said before, its twice the size of Hanzo’s logs (it would seem) and also as stated b4: i for one would rather it get nerfed/changed to Hanzo’s arrow size but tad bit faster projectile speed.


But… what would the game balance reason be besides “I don’t like dis”?

There are a lot of things I don’t LIKE… but accept because fair play. What situations is this unfair? I’m not arguing that Ana doesn’t need some sort of adjustment, just wondering if this would be enough or is this just “for starters”? Would this bring up her skill floor in any meaningful way where it matters (higher elos) ?

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Measuring length is extremely hard, it’s like trying to measure the size of an electron, you need a pretty complicated apparatus.

The problem with length is latency, which is a problem a bit like relativity.

The world of bullet interactions is all a bit Quantum Mechanics, the closer you look the fuzzier it gets.

My main issue is it’s really not clear if it’s been used. It’s not like hook which has a very clear visual and audio queue, I’d like there to be a more obvious tracer effect and some sort of unique sound effect.

I think it feels large but at the same time given the speed of the game I think it’s applicable.

Well i think it makes way more sense when u are required to actually hit projectiles, specially when corners come into play, and the way projectiles seem to just go past corners and hit u behind them, when the projectile sizes are brought down these sort of interactions happen waaay less often.

As for skill, i think if its changed in a reasonably balanced way i think it doest make much of a difference, just some time to adjust and everyone is in the same playing field.

I totally understand the latency/favor the shooter stuff, my argument is not exatly related to that, its the fact that when u get hit by the dart, ur momentum is preserved and after u stop it seems u got hit like behind 4 corners, as for the audio queue, i think its relatively clear but ya i guess it could have a bit better queues.

I think every small/fast moving projectile should be the size of Hanzo’s arrow tbh, so that u dont get hit behind corners as often.

Maybe but at the same time this isn’t hanzo’s arrow or a regular projectile, this is a moderate cd utility skill that if it misses… you’re usually toast. It’s fairly demanding.

I dont know why you all are comparing sleep dart to Hook and Hanzo arrows when most of those have very little risk involved or are pretty much spammeable.

Of course its going to have some hitbox advantages, its a big cooldown proyectile and the only thing Ana has to defend herself in close quarters.

Wich is fine, as long as its slightly faster its still basically the same balance.

Ure missing the point here, my suggestion to fix the problem is to have the hitbox reduced but the speed increased accordingly, making it basically the same power level BUT it wont hit u behind corners as often wich tbh shouldnt be a thing no matter what.

What problem.

Thats a problem with the game’s hit registering system, not Ana’s dart. The same happens with a lot of fast traveling proyectiles.