I cannot believe how... "not smart" these balancers are

I don’t know what you’re referring to, but it definitely is not the overwatch balance team

Answer to question 1: MERCY players want the change reverted but if you read the entire answer apparently the overall feedback they got was that Mercy players disliked the change and non Mercy players preferred not having an nearly unkillable enemy Support. Therefore, the Roadhog argument kicks in. Roadhog was balanced but the one shot was not fun for everyone but Roadhog so they nerfed him.

Answer to question 2 follows from your comment to question 2: BALANCE is determined by pick rate and win rate. That is the metric upon which you can tell if something is balanced. Fun is determined by not only the enjoyment of playing AS something but also how it feels to play AGAINST something (a reason Sombra was also cited for more changes).

Basically they did ignore Hog players feedback on the change in the same way they ignored Mercy players feedback on the change. It is the exact same situation, but you are missing it because its your hero now.

He is probably comparing the devs team with fast food employees

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