I cannot believe how... "not smart" these balancers are

“They’re underperforming trust us guys”

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Game is in one of the best balanced states its ever been in 7 years :man_shrugging:t2:

  • All supports are playable
  • Pretty much all tanks are viable. Hog is on the bench waiting for his rework and ball could use some of his buffs reverted
  • A large % of dps are also extremely viable now that sojourn isnt a must pick. Even symm and torb are actually strong. Genji is arguably one of the weaker dps and he’s still pretty mid tier

I think they’re doing a pretty good job.

exactly, only one thing is need - buff genji or nerf all his nobrain noaim counters, so better buff genji.

How do you make a character less “AFK” when you REDUCE her AMP?

People keep thinking, oh we reduce her G/A so it take more skill to play!

No, it doesnt, youve removed skill expression…And made her able to be played in 1 way. No deviations. For that i chose to delete Overwatch and put back that time into other things.

I died laughing when i saw “You guys dislike your character being clunky and a shadow of her former fluidity? Cool, no changes planned”

But we also want more supports to play!

I pretty much predicted this response before hand, only difference is I said they’d stubbornly refuse reverting and keep iterating until they gave up when in reality they just immediately gave up and dropped it. :joy:

I gave up on this game, with this CLEARLY half baked rework, that clearly had noone playtested. Because of its conflicting design choices that they are doubling down on.

Hm would could keep her fluidity intact by reducing the jump height and speed, lower her max HP making it more risky, but leaving the skill expression intact.

Or, you can just take the nerf the thing that allows for skill expression making it too lethal for anything outside hard pocketing behind cover and reducing her movement to merely an escape.

And yet the moment a new hero is introduced, how many character are going to need to be buffed/nerfed for the hero to find its place?

You had faith in them before despite the existence of Brig 1.0?

Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

hi there! xD

It’s hilarious how much Mercy is discussed around here compared to any other hero.

Ok and thats just normal? Thats why new heroes are the best forms of content. They can change the game so much by enabling new strategies and introduce abilities and ideas that werent possible before.

If new heroes were added to the game and nothing changed that would be a bigger issue.

Think about the 4 heroes we have had so far

  • sojourn was the best dps for 2 entire seasons, is still really good just not a must pick anymore. The entire meta shifted around her from zarya in season 1 to hog and orisa in season 2 she was that much of a staple hero
  • junkerqueen introduced antiheal to the tank category. Arguably one of, if not the, most fun tank in the game to play. Created an entire meta based around her before the game had even launched. Has the unique bleed mechanic
  • kiriko is the first support to have a cleanse ability. First hero in the game to have a way to accelerate cooldowns. Has a unique crit multiplier. Can tp through walls and objects
  • ramattra is the first tank that has 2 completely different playstyles he can swap between. The only hero in the game able to pierce through all defences like barriers and matrix-esque abilities. His ult has the unique interaction when enemies are in it
  • we know the next support hero is going to have a brand new mechanic to interact with their team, which means even more new ways to play

New mechanics and new ways to play a hero are what make new heroes fun and different from what already exists. It is undoubtedly going to cause balance concerns but that’s better than nothing changing at all


Ruining previous heroes to “make room” for new one is NOT normal. It just means, that you are trying to shove in more heroes, when there is no need for more.

Which isn’t always good thing.

Well I’m sure they are losing sleep over tsunder from the forums not liking what these people, who are paid to do something, do.

Because Mercy is getting nerfed, because crybabies are getting their face rolled by dps and balance team

Even if she didn’t had Damage Boost, broken characters are going to be broken

Everytime you argue this you are saying that giving Ashe 5 more base damage makes her instantly become irreparably broken and overpowered. When in reality without damage boost she is still literally worse than the current iteration of Cassidy.

Yeah, but problem is not Ashe. Is actually broken heros that can faceroll entire lobbies without damage boost. DB only makes them more OP.

So maybe try fix them instead of breaking other characters.

If i am paid to make sandwiches and make them poorly, i won’t be paid for very long

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And if lots and lots of people pay you for the sandwiches, but someone comes to your complaining website and complains about your ability to make a sandwich, would you care?


I was talking about her self-healing rate is made to force her to heal wounded mates to regen faster instead of ignoring them and keep AFK-pocketing.

Considering a lot of people were tired of Mercy pocketing only Soj or Pharah ; the passive is intended to fix that, at least imo.

I don’t understand how you can say they removed skill expression and made her less fluid at the same time… Making her survivability harder lets more space for skilled people instead of having a hero that rocks without any invesment to her gameplay, right ?
I mean the last nerfs didn’t destroy her…