I believe Overwatch's MMR system is designed as way of controlling the players upward mobility in ranks

I just had a streak of winning, then all of the sudden, leavers, on trick genjis, etc. And the whip topping of this crap sundae, a match where literally no one spoke or coordinated, then 4 left the match leaving me and a very dedicated Mercy. The other team was courteous to us and didn’t keep obliterating us. I’ve noticed this trend over the seasons, and well I really believe that Blizz has the MMR rigged against lower tier players. You don’t go back up once you go down.

From my experience with this game, I have a strong feeling that Blizzard is forcing players to lose when they start doing well by placing them with obvious smurfs and troublemakers to force a losing situation. Every time I’m on the climb, I review and go over how much of an impact I had in the game. People know when they’re carrying and being carried. I always notice when I I’ve been having net positive impact on my matches, that’s when the smurfs, trolls, and leavers start peering their ugly heads. When I starting making SR gains, I can tell when there is a insane spike in opponent difficulty and team coordination BEFORE I even reach the next rank. And with the terrible gain/loss system, you never make it back no matter how well you do. You. Just. Don’t.

Overwatch comp is like a long ladder that get crappier and crappier as you go down, and just eventually becomes plainly unclimable (I don’t think that’s a word lol) without buying a new account. Why do you think top 500 players never use their real accounts to prove that climbing is possible? Because they know they won’t make it back up there if they go to low. Gotta protect that status.

Overwatch is fun. I love it. But the obvious rigged matchmaking is designed to keep the Gold-Bronze players in their place. I swear I’ve seen some people who were great and wonder…how? How are you still at this SR level? But we all know. Blizzard has no intention of truly balancing this game for the betterment of most of the player base. Only one faction gets attention, and we all know, it’s the darling top 500 players, and their OWL players. It’s an esports cash cow now and nothing more.

I’m over the toxicity and I’ll be back in season 10. Here’s hoping for the best. Cheers!

Feel free to leave the usual “gid gud”, “you’re at the rank you’re supposed to be”, and all those other made up excuses that higher ranks use to stroke themselves. I enjoy reading those to my co-workers.


The whole design is there to keep people playing. I think that is expected from their point of view. If we got to our true SR right away, we would all stop playing and this game wouldn’t be as addicting. With that said… it is frustrating as hell


So you are telling me the MM specifically looks for teammates that will make you lose (however it does that) and for 6 players that are well-balanced for the enemy team just to make you lose? So how does the system decide who deserves to ose and who deserves to be in the good team?

Is it not that you often win just because the enemy has a thrower? Do you think that only your team struggles with the issues the game has and the enemy does not? You are not the one unicorn the game “hates”. It is just that you see patterns where there are non.

Take a sample size of 500 matches and you will see that it approaches 50/50 with the throwers and trollers on both teams


If you had any reading comprehension at all, most of your questions would have been answered. I’ll leave it at that.


Your MMR increases combined with the match maker trying to make each game a 50/50 by taking each players MMR into account makes it so that you get harder games even if the SR is the same.

Could say the game indirectly force you into a position where you will need to carry the game to win.

It’s not forced 50% winrate, but the matchmaker indirectly skews it in that direction.

If you’re a sick DPS you can overcome this easily up until a certain point though, depending on your skill

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show me some evidence which shows otherwise.


YOUR belief is wrong.

we all have anecdotal evidence which says a 50-50 is real and once you are near it (ie within 200sr) you are held hostage by your team mates and it feels like every game after that point where you’re just under your season high you get painful games filled with trolls preventing you from conveniently reaching the next tier.

that does mean you need a good team to advance further. but at what point was it ok for blizzard to basically drop the ball and fail on matchmaking and start putting you into a first come first serve matchmaker?

how are we supposed to improve when a good 60% of games when you are close to where you belong has rampant gamethrowing or every game is generally imperfect. we only want perfect games to test our abilities, otherwise what the hell did i sign up for competitive today for?


So you’re telling me that once you’re at your actual skill level, you can’t carry your way to a higher rank? I fail to see a problem with that.

Nowhere near 60% of games are thrown, I promise on my life.

You say we only want perfect games to test our abilities. That contradicts your complaints about not being able to climb because of matchmaking. The sign of a balanced matchmaker is for players who stay at a similar skill level to stay at a similar rank, which is what I see so many people complain about. So what exactly is the problem with being placed into balanced matches?


It should not be on the players to overcome garbage matchmaking, it’s on the Overwatch team to have quality matching. Period.

Hell you even admit yourself only to a certain point. Proving that it is ultimately a bad thing.


You have a friend request ingame dude

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You’re obfuscating the points being made. The matchmaker is NOT balanced. It’s fake forced downward skewing “balance”. It’s an unnecessary obstacle that players have to overcome outside of simply playing against people of similar skill, getting better than them, then moving up once your are better than you were. Overwatch instead wants you to somehow play above your current rank, so that it can throw you in a new rank to then play above, which is beyond dumb. That’s not how getting better works.


no. you are 1100. if you were better than that you would climb.

recently i dropped to about 900 rank due to being lazy, playing overly tired, trying new characters ect.

i wanted to see how high i could get on widow to see if i had improved without playing with friends and actually trying hard to win. in two days i made it to 1544.

im back to playing sometimes to relax when im tired trying to fill more on things i have less experience and ive dropped to 1300.

Your sr is directly related to how you play and how you are doing. You might not like to accept that you are a bronze player but until you play like a silver+ player you will stay in bronze.


If you’re offering to carry, no thanks. I don’t want to be friends with a smurf. I prefer to befriend players who are of my skill so that we can learn and climb together. I actually deleted some of the smurfs I met already.


And here we go again. Maybe I’m only a Plat player, but I’m really tired of seeing these kinds of threads where people only complains about the loss streak and not much about the win streak.

Yes it becomes a problem when you’re losing games in a row because of throwers, leavers and so on, but maybe we can just sit back and relax a bit longer after getting that high SR gain we’re looking for so long before playing again and not being greedy.

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The purpose of matchmaking is to provide balanced games. If everyone was constantly climbing and falling 500+ SR, games would be significantly less balanced than they are now. “Git gud” is fair advice IMO. If you’re consistently better than your opponents, you will climb. If not, you won’t. And if you’re winning about half your games and still think the losses are your teammates fault and not yours, then that’s almost certainly an issue on your part with perceiving reality.

Focus on your mistakes, try to improve your gameplay, teamwork, aim, game sense, etc. If you improve, the SR will come with time.

Seeing as you probably didn’t read or didn’t see where I’ve already addressed the whole “you think you’re special/try to improve” nonsense, I’ll just respond with



I have come to believe exactly this. When I can’t win, I can’t stop playing. When I win I play a few games then do something else. It’s very strange. I keep chasing that challenge.

What a well constructed response. I’m extremely grateful to have been a part of this discussion, attempting to alleviate the problems you complain about and offering my perspective on the situation. I thank you for your time and wish you an excellent life


Over the past few seasons I’ve kept track of leavers and throwers I’ve had and how many games I’ve played. It came to 62% of my matches having a thrower or someone quitting the match.

2 of my 3 games this evening had throwers already.


I would love to see what your definition of a thrower is.

That’s very interesting. Through my 500+ hours across all my accounts I’ve gotten significantly different results. I don’t know your rank, but I’ve been everywhere from bronze to masters and that just doesn’t align with my experience.

Maybe you’re being overly broad about your interpretation about what throwing is?