I am so disappointed

Just like with every overwatch hero, you take a hero who’s doing fine(genji), give him worthless buffs that he didnt need, then nerf him in a way that makes him feel worse than he did before the buffs. Thanks a lot.


Is he though?

Cause I doubt it.


No, hes not worse but he feels worse to play.


I mean, I disagree with some of what you’re saying here, and agree wholeheartedly with some of it. Genji was indeed doing fine. We have the stats to prove that. The buffs weren’t “worthless,” although he didn’t need them. They were huge. And somehow the devs didn’t understand what we plebes did in that they would absolutely break the game in half, which they did.

Or maybe they did. Maybe it was a cruelly calculated, “You think you want Genji buffs when he’s doing fine as is? Here’s a taste!”

But he’s only getting two out of 6 recent buffs taken away. He’s still likely going to be too strong, and I still don’t see how he can possibly feel worse than before the buffs, considering he comes out net buffed to a significant degree.


He feels worse, because most of what he got to keep(bar the spread thing I guess) he didnt need at all. In exchange for the faster secondary fire, which felt amazing and fluid, he gets defect changes which a good genji player doesn’t need at all and a spread buff.

The spread buff is “nice” but doesn’t change the fact that the hero, whether better or worse, feels worse because they changed his recovery time.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t at all understand how they thought all of those changes would be okay.


The developers don’t even play the game so how do you expect them to balance the game properly?

The problem is they DO play the game. They dont play at a high level but they do play, which is why it bewilders me that they can just damage the fluidity and functionality of a hero and be like “yep that okay”

Well? Playing Genji comes down to his u-lt and nothing more. It remains to be said that playing Junkrat is a profound experience.

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I would be surprised if they played the game at all because no player would think that buffing Genji 4 different ways in the same patch is a good idea.


well i did do the maths and he is doing less damage than before he got the damage buff initially


Ah yes, the exact same thing they did to Baptiste.

  1. Give buff
  2. See buff is very stronk
  3. Nerf something that wasn’t buffed in that patch

But it’s also a lot easier to land those right clicks.


Yeah…but i feel like its better to make the character more skilled and have more value than making him easier to use and nerfing him to make up for that


For the record, I did not write that in that language. I’m sure it’s a translation, but I don’t want credit (or blame!) where it’s due if it says something improper.

Also, Genji is not an ult-bot. This is a lie spread by Genji players to try to justify getting him these mega-buffs. However, we have data that shows that he gets far more kills without ult than with it.

It kinda works though. Quickplay and Open Queue is a lot of sniper spam. Genji is a really good solo sniper killer.

You can’t use overall potential damage like that. Genji’s actual damage is going to be difficult to determine, because it depends on how many shurikens you hit on average, and how many of them are critical hits.

Looking at this point of view, you are right.

Well we can estimate those numbers by applying critical accuracy + average accuracy,

but if the damage potential is less, so is going to be the normal damage,

You can’t with Genji, because accuracy doesn’t account for how many of the shurikens actually hit. Narrower spread probably means that the overall damage is much closer to the original value than you think, regardless of the nerf.

I have so many mixed feelings about it.

I find it odd that they buffed him so much in one patch when they’re tickle other heroes with a SLIGHT buff…and a compensation nerf. Even when, for 99.9% of the playerbase, those heroes are objectively bad. They’re so light-handed with them. But with a hero who was doing average - and I know some people want to say he was doing bad, but the stats we had proved that he was just average - gets 4 net-buffs, no compensation nerfs at all. That made no sense to me.

Then there’s the fact that they’ve flat-out said, “he’s seeing more playtime, which is great!” - when their actions for other heroes seems to be, “X hero is seeing slightly more playtime, which is not great so we’re dialing them back to F-tier”. That’s where I get lost.

And then throw in the fact that reverting recent buffs just never seems to be a damn option for Blizzard, and they instead go for areas that weren’t problematic…I don’t know. The fact that these buffs even made it to live in the first place just made me very confused. Maybe Blizzard has data that we don’t have. Maybe that’s the downside of never sharing that data - we’ll never know why they target those areas instead of the areas that they buffed that turned them into problematic areas.

I just think they mishandled every aspect of Genji in this balance patch.

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