I am so disappointed

Genji’s recovery speed was buffed .75 > .65 a month before the other buffs.

Overall his spread is 12 > 9, and deflect is 1.5 > 2s w/ cancel from 7 weeks ago.

its an estimate dude, ofc we cant nail it exactly but we can atleast get close.

ye ik, i just mean that he is back to dealing the damage he did back then

Another hero I play a lot ironically.

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Imo I think they only should of changed his charge rate for his ult. It always feels like 2 blades for every 1 defensive ult. I’m not saying you can’t use other ults to help counter, but it feels a bit ridiculous imo.

wait, didnt they just revert two buffs? because im not playing overwatch anymore idk what the nerfs are

Welcome to Ball otp club, Ball was doing “fine?” and he got his double boop nerfed.

“Genji was doing fine” ofc he was, imagine being able to finish their entire team just by pressing shift or getting a nanoblade.

Saw a genji yesterday killing 4 people at once with his dash, dash-kill-reset, dash-kill-reset, dash-kill-reset…

Ball has been getting unfairly nerfed from the start. He has never one time been meta, yet has received about 3 times more nerfs than he has buffs.

I would love to see how people would react if a truly non-conventional hero like Symmetra got buffed up to the level Genji got buffed to.

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They didn’t buff Genji because he was bad, they buffed him because he was becoming mediocre in terms of play time and the OWL wasn’t using him as a sparkling little action figure toy, they then realised it was a mistake. Genji wasn’t the least played hero at all.