I am now an ana one trick

Mercy has been weak for a long time now, a lot of seasons she’s been in the pit
But now she’s meta, people want her nerfed. Looks like I’ll have to be an abusing Ana bot so people won’t get mad at me if she’s nerfed AGAIN LMAO


Yu are not an ana otp and you wont be though. Be real to yourself. You will continue playing mercy cuz thats what you do.


^^ this

you wont force yourself to play heroes you dont enjoy, even i said i would become a “rein onetrick because they nerfed hog” back when the original hog nerfs came, i played rein for like 3 days, and went back to having hog as my main tank pick.

“im gonna become a brig main” he muttered, instalocking lucio again


Don’t play who you don’t enjoy, it’s dumb.

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well maybe dont look at the overbuff stats for both heros as your head might explode.

not sure what you mean mercy has been in a good state for a long time. you were probably just using her the wrong way before or with the wrong comps

might as well keep using mercy now since it’s hard to play her the wrong way at the moment, and like you said she is hard meta

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Mercy is good rn doe?
wait read the post never mind

i dont believe u doe :wink:

Mercy has been in a terrible state for over a year. Maybe not balance wise, but from the design of her kit. Nearly every inch of her kit is terrible to use.

More in depth reasoning if you want it.

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I won’t actually be an ana one trick lol, i was kidding.
But I don’t main mercy, I play all supports just dependent on maps and comps. I was just shook people were threading about nerfs for mercy xd

Becoming an Ana one trick is smart, you’ll never have to worry about receiving significant nerfs and you’ll always be respected

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I mean if Ladder follows OWL, especially with the Roadhog nerfs hitting live, Mercy is shaping up to be the next meta support

Especially with how trash Moira, Baptiste, and Brigitte are

Good for you. I learned this lesson about Ana long ago actually which is why I invested so much time in her after the 60hps nerf. Now lucky me, my 2 best supports are meta and I’m thriving. hihihi

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False, I don’t enjoy playing Ana at all and she is my most played support cause she is that good.

Mercy is the meta since Ashe release (S13), but some mercy players healboting tanks, instead of look around for actual synergy and more agressive plays.

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Mercy was garbage for 2 years. Ashe herself was garbage for a year post release. What are you smoking and where can I get some

I was sitting 4k+ with Ashe 24/7 as she was released at multiple accounts, don’t know what are you even talking about here. Some players are just trAshe untill something become op. Ashe basic kit was enough for those who understand hero strenghts and weakneses.
Combined with a mercy Ashe was always unstoppable.

Yes and there are people sitting with Bastion in GM that doesn’t make him less trash. Ashe was not in a good spot for a full year post her release.

And Mercy has been trash. Always in the bottom 2 supports until they finally gave her the healing buff she needed.

not really ashe and mercy started dominating around the time she got her 12>15 ammo buff and also the qol buffs to reloading

Your comparisons have nonsense, bastion is a niche hero by his desighn, which is screaming shield stack me, work around me or I throw. Ashe is a self sufficient hero with actual skill set and flexability. Yeah, there are still gm bastion mains, but talk is not about it. Ashe has been overbuffed just for owl, but ladder is a different story.

They don’t. Just because some people are gifted at certain heroes and can one trick them into high ranks doesn’t mean those heroes aren’t bad, it means that the players themselves are exceptions.

Stats are what matter, not your opinions.