I am now an ana one trick

There is no gifts or free value on actual effort which is demanded to learn. I can say the same: Just because some people are so lazy, it doesn’t mean some heroes should be tweaked for them.

“Gift” or “talent” is a basic excuse of weaker and lazier individual comparing themselves with successful one. Time and efficency is only matters.

Then again explain Bastionmain being above 4k as a Bastion one trick despite bastion being as you put it niche hero that screams shield stack around me. Almost like he is exceptionally gifted at bastion while the rest of the ladder sucks at him.

You are Diamond Dps and Gold and Plat for support and tank

This account is for diamond to masters boost/derank, also I use it for forum. I have like 15 accounts for now.

I switched to ana after 1.5 yrs of 50 hps mercy… it was very hard at first but completely worth it

Mercy’s pretty viable right now, though when the meta inevitably switches again, Ana will definitely be the top pick still I’m sure.
So it wouldnt hurt to learn her regardless :woman_shrugging:

Most played support of all time?