I am now a 14 year old GM player

I am now a 14 year-old GM off tank player. After more than 2 years of grinding ranked and learning more and more about the game, I was able to get GM. I am so happy. When I first placed, I was 1564. Through playing this game and learning I have been able to climb to the highest rank in the game. This is the highlight of my year. I’d like to thank everyone who’s coached me, taught me about the game, and everyone who’s supported my endeavors with this game. I love you all so much!
Edit: After making this post, I’ve climbed to 4200! I’m well on my way to getting Top 500 by the end of this season! I love the games I’ve been getting in and I love all of the support I’ve gotten in this thread! Thank you all!


I see a lot of 13-15 y/o players in Tier 2/3. It’s good to see young players putting in the work. Grats!


Sorry, I don’t want to be that Paisan, but I’m going to anyway. What does age have to do with your GM rank?


I think it kinda shows that anyone could do it. Plus, I’m at an age where stuff with coordination is especially difficult, and I think my success shows that no matter what, if you put your mind to something, you can achieve it


You have more positivity than I had when I was fourteen. All I was thinking of was the tension in Iraq and praying the draft wouldn’t come back. Ironically, 12 years later, I’m serving in the states.


Gg ! I am 14 and i am diamond Rip x)

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Would you like to say anything to those out there that heavily believe the game is rigged against them and forces 50/50 so they stay at rank “x”?


I am going to be 32 on jan 5th and I am still in bronze…LOL been playing/streaming since season 7. I am sure next season I will get out of bronze


How are your marks at school? What do you parents think ?

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Oh young one. You think your coordination is bad now? Come back to me in 10 years and we’ll see how that coordination is :frowning:

I was just girl crazy and reading books and talking to girls and playing games all the time lol

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Damn, that’s a long climb
Happy you made your goal after all this time :heart:
Hope you’ll keep climbing and hit t500 one day :smiley:

“Coordination is especially difficult”

Except you learn coordination faster then older people. You are wired to learn while you are younger. Thats why you can learn a language better when you are a child rather then an adult.

Now the only problem is, how will you use that new found Mouse/eye coordination in your future life.

I wonder, how many hours per week did you invest into playing?

Damn that’s a pretty gud climb. Nice work.

Not really, 14 is when your mind is pretty sharp, the older you are, the more difficult coordination is.

congratz man! Lots of jealous people here I see. Keep it up and I’ll see you in top 500 soon!

Welcome to the gang young blood, I’m 32 in GM! We older folks can hang too.

At 24 his coordination will be at peak levels. His brain will be finally matured.

The only way 24 would be “old” is if he becomes a heavy drug or alcohol abuser, starting today and continuing until he is 24.

Cool story, bro.

Now you have to stabilise at your rank then try to assault the t500 good luck.

I started in bronze as a Mercy Lucio bot but I have only gotten to plat, maybe one day I can be in high elo but not today.