I am at 600 SR to get to gold I need 1500 SR

1500:25 == 60 wins and I win 30 games in a season and lose 70…so my depression rises every day I play…this is hell


How can someone be at 600sr without hard throwing?


Duo q with one of those GM players everybody says bronze is full of.

Look at this realistically. If you are 600sr for a while now and having trouble climbing, you are missing something very fundamental about gaming.
Is it your pc?
Is it something physical?
Is your monitor on?

Watch some old Jayne youtube vids. It’s not the aim or anything like that, it’s the mindset. It’s how you comprehend what is happening around you that he coaches.
Basic understanding with zero skills should double your sr.


Be me and suck at everything you do, and you get there with ease


If you are losing that much then don’t keep playing the way you are playing. Try something different

Use different heroes play a different role. Or take the time to learn and improve rather than hoping to start winning for no reason

Or quit the game if it makes you depressed they are neglecting it anyways and people are leaving


Play meta hero’s like the highest elos do and use callouts…American society has a real problem when it comes to team work…namely everyone wants to stand out.

Is there a chance we can get a video of your gameplay? I’ve never played in SR that low or seen it played. I’m genuinely curious what it looks like.

I will give my advice on what u can do practically and today to get better (none of that use comms, get better game sense bullsh*t).


I dropped down to <500 sr after taking the horrible advice of playing comp to learn. Then RQ happened.
It’s really really hard to climb out even after you figure out a lot of stuff.
I’m a much better support than dps or tank and I managed to get support into Silver but it was grueling and queue times jumped to >10 mins. Climbing out as a tank is on the verge of pointless.

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With that attitude you ain’t gonna climb


Set more reasonable goals. Aim for silver first and play heroes you can carry with.


Lol yea aim for silver

Ez, practice the game and learn and carry. Its really easy to carry at those low ranks.

What are you doing to not suck? How do you try to improve?

Can you record games and watch them back or let soemone to review them?

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I am going to have to disagree there. In super low tier overwatch there is no point playing meta. Meta is such a thing as everyone is relied upon to create a great outcome. Meta relies on teamwork and coordination. Something you will not see in bronze.

For example, I saw a video (I would attach it if I could find it) of every rank playing mirror goats against there same rank. Does not work in bronze. It was pretty crap in gold. Just scraping by in plat.

Your best chance is to play heroes that can solo carry, that are self sufficent, self sustaining, and can take advantage of people staggering and being isolated. E.g. Roadhog, Reaper, etc…

No point using callouts. There more than likely to not be in voice. Typing is too slow in mid-fight. And its no like they are going to listen anyway.


Very good advice and I tried it but failed miserably. Afterwards I felt so depleted because everybody tells me I suck to play at the bottom and it is easy to climb. Every time I try to “carry”, I fail.
Moreover, I have tried to improve aim, positioning, looking around, occupying high-ground , play the objective, wait for the team, give call-outs and nothing worked. This broke my spirit and now I am addicted to the pain it inflicts on me and I love hating myself.
This is what happened

You forgot to end with a period.

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Also, a lot of that is nonsensical.

Being in bronze and even silver means you lack the very basic, fundamental skills required of this game. Realize that It’s not your team. It’s not your luck. It’s not matchmaking. Just simply focus on yourself and get better. I guarantee if you submitted a vod of you playing I could instantly tell you that you belong in bronze. Not trying to be mean, but some of you guys on the forum need a reality check when complaining about rank.


This is SO well said and true! This not only applies to Bronze/Silver but even to all the ranks above that. I used to be a Low-Mid Plat player a month or two ago. It only took recording a couple of VOD’s and getting them reviewed by others and myself to understand what my weaknesses and mistakes are. I worked on those and I am now at Mid Diamond and closing in to masters soon =]


So, where do you think I am lying to myself? Tell me? Does it give you personal satisfaction to hurt somebody who is already hurt? Have you read any of my responses. People like you make me so angry…

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