I am AGAINST removing 2cp

Jeff has said numerous times that they’re constantly trying new changes to 2CP. The lack of evidence of this shows that nothing really has stuck. So it seems the mode is just so problematic that they’re struggling to make it work.

I say remove that god awful game mode and make defense orientated heroes more offensive.


See, I like Hanamura as it is, so I’d be dissapointed if they got rid of that map or change it for the worse. It is a good map as it is. I never had any issues with any maps really. They are all either ok or good maps, Hanamura being one of my top 3 faved maps. Horizon is an exception, that map is a mess, I’m sorry to say to those who actually did like that map.

I’m not against the game mode, but I do think they need to reconsider their design philosophy for the maps it uses.

They should balance things like Nanoblade and Bionade if they’re sick of 2CP feeling like a coin toss…

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OR they could add healers with anti-flanker weaponry like a pump-action shotgun.

same as koth. but as i said in my first posts koth clock is faster and a single team wipe is enough.

its like assault, just that teams have only 1 chance to capture/defend a point. pretty silly actually. best thing they could do is cut the maps and make 3 different maps ouf of it to turn it into assault maps.

Yeah. I’d rather the maps being repurchased even if they’re all reworked into like deathmatch.

No fix in almost 5 years and you think they can fix it now? I’d rather they reuse the assets from 2CP maps for new, cooler, and better modes.

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Where did you see they were removing the maps ? They might replace the mode, they experimented a few things already to fix 2cp. Maybe they found a better mode to replace 2cp

2 CP is fine. But they’re just gonna pander to whatever the dps mains want so why bother giving an opinion.

Really the only maps I have any issue with are the really long hybrid ones specifically: Rialto, Havana, and (to a lesser extent) Junker Town

Typically in a comp match you either roll, get rolled, or both teams are evenly stacked and the match gets drawn out.

These maps amplify the drawn out part no matter what route the comp match takes and I HATE it. At least with 2CP you can usually get the match over way faster than if you were on the maps I listed above.

i wish that 2cp would still be in there so that it may keep as much content in OW2 as possible despite how some people dont like the mode.

The game mode is just not well designed. Its too hard to find away that makes it fair imo.

So you have listed issues for ever map other than volskaya, isn’t that ringing a few alarms their?

Also the game mode is most likely going to still be a thing in the game just not in competitive or QP.

Basically hey we have a new game mode with none of the issues at hand so instead of reworking major aspects of just about every 2cp map, lets just put the time and effort in the new maps instead.

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It flows well in very competetive and highly communicative teams, as the mode is designed around big and coordinated team pushes.

Be it that your not getting that 90% of the time in any public game mode.

The first point of 2CP is where the old defense heroes like Torb, Bastion, Junkrat, Mei, Widow, Hanzo, (and Symm even if she wasn’t in the category of defense heroes) could play an important role.

But the playstyle of those defense heroes couldn’t appeal to the majority of players other than those traditional snipers with added mobility.

Now the maps are somewhat pointless and need to be changed. But Blizz made the easiest solution.

It is difficult to ARGUE for 2cp, Anubis and Hanamura are far the worst maps I’ve played on.

This is a fate worse than death. People abandon actual competitive spirit in Arcade.

The inherent problems with the mode just doesn’t jell with ranked. It’s very good for pro play, but that’s only because pros understand how 2 CP works aka never taking any fights 5v6 on attack for 2nd point.

They’ll probably rework the maps instead of completely remove them.