I am AGAINST removing 2cp

If there is something annoying in 2cp maps we could fix it, not remove the maps. Paris and HLC have issues that i believe will be fixed sooner or later. Using players feedback and playtesting.
Hanamura is mostly ok and volskaya is fine imo. Anubis could have more openings for attackers especially in point B. I would remove some of the structure that blocks line of sight with the point. The matchmaker could pick 2cp less often for us, removing the maps entirely is a bad decision.


I’m not.

I hate 2cp. Best QoL change they’ve ever done.

But these maps will appear in Arcade


Is it truly decided the maps will be completely removed or simply transformed for a new game mode or recycle the maps for something liek control or hybrid or push/pull or something else?


i hate every capture mechanic. hybrid maps suffer from the same issues. one good ult and the push can be stopped in 99% and you get full hold. many times you just barely cap A in numbani but you still finish the map. I would just make the capture ticks clock move faster for 2cp AND hurbid maps. Numbani gives way too many full holds imo.

edit: one team wipe should be enough for point capture. the clock could just be the same if 6 or 1 heroes cap point.


Nah, it just shows that they cant try to fix it

Instead of looking for ways to improve the experience, they just yeet it from the game


Thank god it’s going away.
But 2CP maps should to be reworked to other game mode.
But the core of 2CP is broken - when attackers capture 1st point, defenders just wait on 2nd point, infinite stalling…


I love democracy…


I think there are a lot of small problems they can easily solve and just don’t do it for some reason…

  • Snowballing? Like they tried on experimental try attackers 1 point and then switch, and then move to point II. No need to do both at once.
  • Hating to defend? Maybe it’s time to finally help the poor defense heroes they left in F tier like Bastion or Mei…
  • Spawn being too far for the defenders? Let defenders spawn on point until attackers spawn is open. You can also increase capturing rate but putting the spawn a bit closer
  • Maps being bad? Try to actually fit them to more certain type of heroes rather than making a general monstrosity noting is good at like on payload or control… (Hanamora I does that that good)
  • attackers spawn is too far compared to the attackers? Add closer spawn with increased spawn time… Would also decrease the advantage of fast heroes.

2cp is overall a great design if you ask me. They just need to actually look at the problem it has rather than throwing it away for no reason.


I don’t think you quite get the inherent problems with the idea of those maps if you say, “If there is something annoying”.

  • Defenders have to win 5+ fights for every 1 that attackers win.
  • Stalling/attrition in that attacker’s lives are infinitely more valuable than defenders.
  • Stacking ults for attackers and thus snowballing, with a huge emphasis on easy team-wipe combo ults.

Then there’s the more social aspect of them being significantly more hated maps than other game modes (only Volskya is above the bottom in the polls that I see).


its not my fav mode either but i don’t mind playing one 2cp map every 10 maps. the fact that we only have 3 maps is boring bcs we have to play the same 3 maps in rotation. we could have 5 (including paris and HLC) but the matchmaker should give these maps with lower chance of playing. That way you would play maybe 2-3 2cp maps for 20-30 games. Thats like 5+ hours of OW.

I disagree

Assault maps have issues, but I don’t like the current version. I’d like to see them test variations.

Like a big map with 3 points for defenders to hold. Attackers can try to cap all 3 at the same time, or all 6 go to the same point. There’s always one point that is closest to defender spawn, thus always giving defenders an advantage. The other 2 can either be equidistant to closest point, or in a line.

Defenders can backcap. After a specific time, who has more points capped will win round.

Game is devolving quite honestly. Going to a 5v5 format is just going pew-pew-pew for those that can’t think but are good at twitch. Removal of 2CP which requires thought and coordination to deal with is a sign of the overall dumbing down of the game.

Its a business first, a game second. Basically people play more checkers than chess, OW is a direct sign of it.


There are other issues with that are more fundamental and can not be fixed with a few map changes.

The first is how hard the map can snowball. The map can be won in under 2:00, and that isn’t always because the attacking team was leagues better than the defending team, just that the attacking team had a good first fight. When that happens the defense never had time to adjust and stabilize for a chance to come back. Every other mode you will get minimum 3 fights, but often 4-5 chances to defend before attackers win.

The second issue is how much the game mode relies on spawn advantage. This is a huge reason why if B isn’t quickly captured then the game drags on as the attackers try to rebuild a big enough ult advantage to quickly wipe out the defenders.

The third is that the maps generally revolve around a single choke for the entire duration of the game. Hanamura B for example only has 2 entrances most team compositions can use. A tiny funnel through damage to contest the highground, or a tiny funnel surrounded by highground with basically no cover. So that leads to most of point B being about the one choke to highground. The majority of the map then exists not to fight, but for the sake of creating spawn advantage. Contrast this with a payload map like Kings Row B, where there are 4 very common locations for defenders to take hold depending on payload position.


I agree… to some extent, the maps have a lot of history in themselves, the competitive environment and the game’s lore… just throwing all to the dust because your community doesn’t like playing them feels like a bad move, don’t get me wrong getting Anubis 2 out of 7 times does feel like a pain or even maps like Numbani, Dorado, Havana, Junkertown and Illios(those maps have flaws too but they’re all spread out in different classes, guess people dont complain enough) but u toughen up and take that mental challenge. Maybe decrease the chances of getting these maps if they haven’t already

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One of these issues can be fixed with a global ult nerf. Other game modes would also be better. I am not saying the mode will be as good as payload with minor adjustments but removing 5 maps is not a good idea. What if push is not a fun game mode?

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I wish I didn’t have to wait until OW2 for 2CP to be banished to the Shadow Realm Arcade. Still, it’s something for my great-grandchildren to look forward to!

What makes you think they didn’t try? They made changes to some maps, they made changes to how you get progress on a point, they even gave us a failed 2cp experimental.

I’m sure many will be happy to just see it gone and no longer have to deal with the mode.


Because we saw nothing, or heard nothing

That like only changed the time stuff

The problem people are having is the map layouts

And you don’t think they tried anything internally that didn’t make it live? They were just like, yea, let’s scrap all our work on this game mode and all the maps, easier than trying to make any changes to it.