I am AGAINST removing 2cp

That’s the exact problem with 2cp, it’s either attackers win first point fast and snowball the advantage to make another quick cap on point b. Or defenders stop them cold on first point.


The maps are not the problem. The mode is the problem.

It’s only in ranked as far as we know. And if they remove them from QP it’ll be its own thing in arcade probably. So it’s not “removing 2CP” it’s “removing 2CP from ranked.” Different.

That would be cool. I could see that working out, or maybe they could actually just make an entirely new mode.

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Thier focus seems to be pushing out OW2 as quickly as possible.

I think what their doing is removing it just to have it not there at launch then post launch DLC might include it improved with different spawns location movement etc

The maps aren’t being removed.
Jeff said in that same segment that they are planning to either change up the mode or completely remove it & replace it with a brand new game mode.

I hate 2Cp. All my homies hate 2cp



Screw that mode,keep that crap in arcade along with competitive no limits

Yeah, Hanamura B is pretty trash honestly. If the high ground wasn’t so dominant then that point would be way better.

Even if teams take the route that goes over the pit they still can’t really contest the high ground, whether they choose to go up there or not. There isn’t enough cover on that point.

Rather than arguing why we should have or shouldn’t have 2cp could we just get an option to queue for the map type we like? Would that be too much to ask for?

I love 2CP in quickplay. I understand the problems it has for competitive. But QP? I just like it.

They keep trying to fix 2CP.
It’s never worked.
No surgery can save this old dog, it’s kinder to just… put the gamemode out of its misery.

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No, they have said internally they’ve tried different spawn locations, tried a middle capture (for 3 point capture), koth esque mechanics.

The game mode has fundamental flaws, more than the map, and more than just snowballing. It’s always had flaws, and it’s the single most changed mode already in the game. It’s the only mode which DLC maps are removed from competitive due to the issues with them. HLC is the most changed map in the game, and even with all that work in it it still sucks.

They mentioned that they might reuse assets from the current maps and make like, an escort map on the other side of the pyramid in Anubis. Which I think is fine. The only map I think I’d miss would be Hanamura, since the shimada castle is pretty iconic but ultimately realllllyyyyy sucks to play in. Attackers get a soldier/ashe/widow on that high ground and your team can’t contest them? RIP your team.


I opt they should go to arcade and be a game type there and occasionally have a comp scene for them.

They absolutely should not remain in comp And definitely NOT in qp! They are actually worse in qp because you don’t get a chance to play the map again reversed on sides. It’s a steam roll map most of the time, and is probably more than 90% of backfill. God awful. The majority hates it.

So if you like it then it can be in arcade for the strange and unique.

However if they ditch it. Bye Felicia…

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Many efforts have been made to fix it, and it’s just not worth any additional investment. This is coming from someone who really likes HLC.

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I agree. Jeff and them are taking the easy way out instead of getting feedback and correcting the things that make 2cp frustrating for players they are just going to remove it from ranked (and wherever else). This game already has bare bone game modes so why continue to remove options?

its not a matter of the map its the game mode itself. no-one hates 2cp maps just because of the maps. people hate them because its 2cp. notice how almost everyones least favorite maps are 2cp’s? because its an awful mode.

They literally made 2 entire new 2CP maps, completely reworked 1 of them, and they both still in the end were unplayable in a Competitive environment. Even people in QP hate these maps so bad half the lobby leaves whenever they appear.

They did try. They even said they were trying to rework Paris and rework Horizon AGAIN… For the 2nd time.

Do you know how many resources this all took? To make 2 entire maps, and have to do 3 entire additional reworks of the same exact maps?


I don’t like 2cp. But I’d consider a hybrid of koth and 2cp, like domination from CoD. That could have potential.

Nah I’ll be glad to see it go.

The gamemmode has so many inherent problems on a fundamental level. It’s been changed and altered so many times over the years, likely even more than we’ve seen, since there’ll have been loads of internal testing, and nothing has worked.

2CP leads to some of the worst stalls out of all of the gamemmodes, and also lends itself to being a very snowball-y mode. It’s either like smashing your head against a brick wall, or getting run over by a bulldozer - neither are fun.

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