I’m sick of genji being a blade bot

The change that broke him was the spread. If we had only firerate and 30 damage shurikens he wouldnt be broken. The spread buffs are stupid cause they made triple headshot too easy to land. I rather have the old spread and be rewarded with a kill for my combos than having a good spread and deal no damage.


I’d argue the spread made him have to aim it more (but you’re safer to use it for a slightly longer distance). and the rate of fire although made him soo much more fluid and fun to play it also made him way more forgiving, because if you miss your shots you get another change to kill them. I think we can both agree that if they don’t want him to have high burst 28to 30 then yea they’ll need to increase the rate of fire so that when he doesn’t kill the target with the perfect combo he can atleast follow it up. And I wouldn’t be completely opposed to a half revert of the spread buff if the increase the rate of fire for sure as being able to consistently spam into the back of a target but also consistently hiring 1/2 on a small target or 2/3 on a big one is kinda oppressive closerange.

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I care :heart:

But sadly the devs dont listen :frowning:

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I fail to see why Blizzard doesn’t nerf his blade and just give him back the shuriken fire rate increase. I’ve been barking up this tree since power creep and easy-to-play heroes were added to the game to match up against him.


What do you guys purpose then his changes should be so I can understand? I’m all for making his base kit slightly better and his ult slightly worse

I’m gonna search Drazan’s history because he had a whole thing on it.

This is what he suggested

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The sad thing is when moira was added in and she didn’t counter dive so they added brig.
Instead of added that busted character they could of just buffed mccree or done the torb rework then (slight nerf to tracer) and all of this painful last 3 years goats/ double shield wouldn’t of been a thing. But noo they buffed mccree and gave torb the rework a year and a half later… sighhh And then nerfed tracer after brig became a thing which also made her irrelevant for a year.

Yea but he can’t have a good base kit and ult man it’s the same reason they nerfed dooms ult into the ground you got to pick one.

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Seeing how everyone loves cool blade montage and how slash dashing and ghost dashing the whole enemy team is super fun.They are never ever going to nerf blade.


So…would that make them racist to the shimada brothers? (Joke)


I have played Genji in comp for a few games albeit it was when he was overbuffed recently. Not sure if that makes it a fair assessment, but his kit’s always had a lot in it.

That doesn’t answer my question, though…how would you buff his base kit without making it bloated? It’s already a bloated kit with a lot going on. What part would you buff without making it feel cheap?

I thought the idea was to buff his base kit, not his ult?

It’s the sad truth, tbh I’d much rather they just focused on the fps parts of the game then the mobs parts and teamwork combos stacking etc.
because on ladder even at my rank 3600 I hardly ever get nanoed when I blade mainly just the mercy pocket tbh.

Andoth read the post overall it’s a nerf and I never said add it it … I said ifff blades to weak they can make those changes later on omfg you guys that can’t read trigger meeee

To mee I have two variations

Keep him similar to how he is not revert one or both deflect changes so people can kill him easier without whining all the time

  • buff damage to 29 (as 30 is way to strong because u can hit 150 really easily and swift strike) but 28 is too weak as you can hit triple dunk plus melee and they won’t die.
  • maybe slight revert on spead from maybe 9 to 10/11 because for some reason people whine about that too even though it makes the genji player have to aim more at the trade off of more consistency
    -maybe slight revert on fan speed from .65 to.7 (Idrc tooo much about this change as it makes him more forgiving to play but it definitely does make himmm much more fluid after melee and swift strike combos)
  • maybe nerf magizine size a little bit 27/24 so he isn’t good at shield break.
  • nerf ult so can’t get any damage boosts
  • make it more silent upon activation and make activation slightly quicker aswell as being able sheath quicker or atleast use abilities whilst putting blade away.
    Basically all my changes make him more fluid and impactful but hopefully not oppressive like he was because we can all admit when he got close range it was gg but both those nerfs just made him A slightly below average tier pick again. As his dps when’s from 139 to 112 worse then he was previously just with better spread

My other variation is a little bit more simple but spicy
Keep him the exact same as he is Rn just make it so
-primary fire 20% less distance between shurikens
Basically turning it into a budget zen volley so better long range but worse close range or reacting to cooldown that pop down immediately

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He needs buffs? Lol.

Nah he doesn’t? Can you read 0.o?? he needs roughly the same power level just a good base kit and a worse ult…

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So is Doomfist and Sombra’s, but both heroes are hot garbage, Doom more so!

Honestly, there’s a lot you could tinker with in Dragonblade if you’re looking to trade ult power for power in his base kit. After all, think about everything Genji’s ult does (and compare it to other DPS hero ults);

  • Damage-dealing ult (not all DPS have these)
  • Unaffected by shields (most DPS are)
  • Cannot be absorbed by D.Va or Sigma
  • He can still move while ulting (and adjust if enemies move)
  • He can still use wall climb and double jump while ulting
  • He can still use E and LShift while ulting
  • A single stun does not cancel his ult entirely

Much like Genji himself, Dragonblade is bloated with goodies you can take away or tweak if you really want to divert that power somewhere else.

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Don’t forget that he also has increased speed during his ultimate. Which most ultimates slow down/don’t affect speed in the DPS category.

They think blade bot is Genji destiny :unamused:

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He Is so easy to counter, do you even play genji?


All I did was break down his ultimate point by point.

Sombra is a gymicy hero and doom is feast or famine and only as good as the resources put into him (at a high level), they are both pretty good and don’t really need any buffs. Except maybe a little one for each like health packs give a little bit of ult (not as much as they used to probably something even Lowerbthan half) and doom could maybe get a buff to his shotgun damage (maybe something like from 66 to 70) or range cause his abilities are in a pretty good spot except uppercut, but I doubt they’ll buff that cause zens and anas Mains complained so much

Lol result—- The way you’re describing his ults it’s like you think it’s a mobile rocket barrage. It’s more compareable to something like reaper ult, if you use it when they have no ults or stuns you can get work done if not it’s a throw.