How would you guys “fix” mercy?

I would make Valk an E ability, and it works for 5 seconds nd only attatches to one person. I’d make her ult a one-person-only res that is instant and charges somewhat fast, so that it’s earnable. Maybe around a tracer pulse bomb speed, or a little faster.


Wouldn’t this make her overall healing output less effective? The valk chain-healing is really good for tight situations, whereas a 5 second ability with only the occasional rez strikes me as making her far weaker in big teamfights. I could be wrong though.

I think she’s in a really good place right now.


I still think she should have instant rez in Valk. OR have rez’s range increase during Valk so she can safely rez from a good position / high in the air.


I think she’s fine as she is.

  1. Give mass rez back
  2. Give it a cast time of 2 seconds & refill hp on activating cast.
  3. Remove invnerability and instead grant 80% damage resuction during casting time and for 2 seconds after cast is complete & Refill HP upon completing cast

While I think Mercy is in a better state than release 1.0, and while I think that 2.* is better for the game as a whole, my ideal Mercy is:

  • Resurrect as ultimate. - Except it charges like 5-10% slower than it used to. It has a SHORT cast time of ≤ 1 second. Argue all you want about “hide and seek”, but no one (lol) will be able to complain since there will be counterplay. And no movement debuff either.

  • “Mini-Valk” on E. Maybe free-flight or something or a buffed/AoE heal similar to how Valkyrie works now. A moderate-long cooldown.

  • Keep “GA jumping”. I like this as is.

This would keep Mercy as a strong (mostly) single-target healer while still giving her some “impact” moments that would be fair for everyone involved.

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i think all she needs is minor buffs and she is fine

As a top200 Mercy main who has played her since launch, I would leave her the same, except maybe buffing her GA speed slightly.

Or maybe to appease other Mercy players, make her main healing beam on Valk heal more so it brings back the idea of target prioritization during Ult.

I agree with what Jeff said two days ago:


Probably not I have seen people discussing her healing output and it seems to be pretty similar to her pre-rework state.

I think Valk either needs a MAJOR power bump as an Ultimate or just needs to be canned. The one-man-Res-Ult is interesting, although it may leave Mercy a bit weak (so maybe still go back to Mass Res).

As for a new E ability, I would suggest something like providing a bunch of temporary shields to herself or to an ally she is healing/boosting (that would help her survive flankers).

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Nah mercy is in a fine place rn. Leave her be not every character needs a buff/nerf.

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Make valk he E, Rez back to Mass, but with a LOS, and remove I-Frames and the buffs to GA.

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I honestly feel like mass rez could come back (with tweaks) and not be as “OP” as some people think. Like, people are severely underestimating the very CC meta they’re all complaining about. It would be a high risk, high reward ult and could be countered as easily as current E rez is.

Personally, I’m not sure if I want mass rez back. I’ve always liked temp rez play style and it’d be nice to be able to rez 2-3 people within a short time through earning it. I can’t say I know how this would be achieved, but It’d be nice if it could use less touched on parts of Mercy’s kit by low to mid tiers (damage boost). :woman_shrugging:

5 man Res as an ult, but add a .8 second cast time, with LOS requirement. Valkyrie as an E ability, she flies 15m into the sky at her normal GA speed. No chain healing, just non team dependent movement.
EDIT: Remove invuln, and add 40% damage resistance after the res.

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I wouldn’t change her. You don’t fix what ain’t broke.

Your title should be “What unnecessary buff would you give mercy so she can be OP again?”

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I agree with you, also what Jeff said


So it would take over 3 fully charged widow headshots to stop a mercy from casting rez. :thinking:


Maybe the numbers could be tweaked a tad bit but it’s still not as bad as Instant & Invulnerability

No. Just no. The scale of this should have never been in the game in the first place.


Mass rez really doesn’t belong in a shooter. Mercy is already the strongest support in the game by a lot and is super fun because of her busted mobility. She is good as she is.

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