How would you change reaper, or do you like him as he is?

Probably a projectile, but it wouldnt have the same dmg his primary has

The change is mainly to give him some range and reduce his effectives against tanks (Which is really high)

Even in his weakened state Reaper STILL destroys every tank, they literally have 0 chance against him. You can’t make space for your team, hell you can barely peel as if you try to help your DPS or Support out you’re just a nice fat stack of healing for him, you’re better off staying away. The only tank that can help is D.Va and even she can only give 2 seconds of help before he just turns on her and heals up.

Lifesteal was one of the stupidest ideas they ever had for any hero. The orbs had to be actually earned with a kill.

I don’t think he needs much more range. Maybe make it so you don’t have to be in the enemies face? But honestly his range is mostly fine. If you rework his weapon you destroy his identity.

He’s a centurion + flanker, nothing wrong with that except the community hates him and never wants him to succeed. His niche is fine he just needs to actually be good at it.

Trust me, I don’t want him to be a tankbuster, either :frowning: Other heroes already do that pretty well, lol

Me, I’d prefer if he kept his original playstyle that the devs envisioned. A specter of death that stalks the enemy backline, and strikes his prey from the shadows :skull: That actually sounds interesting and fun!

But they’d need to make him a little faster, as right now, Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, and the dive tanks are all currently better at harassing backlines

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I mean, his identity is just a tank buster, and a bit too good at it

Changing his weapon to work in a similar fashion to Hog by having two different fires could help him a lot and solve the tank buster thing

Dude that’s so wrong and you (should) know it.
Unless we’re talking silver and below, reaper doesn’t just walk up to tanks and kill them, YES he does win in a 1v1, but in 222 tanks have tons of peel, and the armor nerf was reverted, making his dmg trash against it.

Not to mention tanks actually have pretty high damage. If you look at the best reapers, none of them play him like a “tank buster”.

His orbs were pretty bad, honestly. Though they were unique and cool ngl…

I wish he was less edgy.

I’m tired of being in the middle of getting seduced by my ally Reinhardt’s voice only to hear “death comes” and whatever else that edgelord has to say.

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Highly disagree especially after the armor buff. Tanks have too much peel, health and armor for him to “bust tanks”. He’s only good in a 1v1 with them, maybe then yeah hes a tankbuster, but this is a team game…

I just want BarrierTanks to have similar levels of Fun/Autonomy as OffTanks.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

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How come everyone :blue_heart:s your links to that thread but not the thread itself?

Dunno, but bumps and an active discussion on the thread would be appreciated.

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That seems too strong, honestly.
you’re buffing every tank into oblivion, that would just make the dps role really weak and “useless” (quite literally).

i mean, you’re buffing orisa to how she was before double barrier nerfs + more. thats when she had a 58% winrate and 18% pick. Basically you never lost playing her. yet winston gets a small buff, ugh, its just too many huge buffs, imo. also, the off tank role would be pretty terrible if main tanks can deal their damage with a huge shield.

Well the goal is to fundamentally increase the popularity of the entire Tank Role.

Even if they means some roles are more impactful than others.

Remove wraith

Give him Moira’s fade

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but that doesn’t mean making them insanely overpowered…

might be kinda strong tho xD

The only reason reaper is bad is because he doesn’t have an engagement tool

While fade might seem over the top, it’s a step in the right direction

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Honestly, it would be interesting to change it to work a lil more like fade.
Possibly more speed, less duration? Was thinking of that the other day, not to the extent of fade tho xD

I agree its a step in the right direction tho, right now you can just follow reaper when hes wraithing, the speed is so slow.

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Slug rounds on a cooldown to take out the pesky widowmaker

1v1 I can’t agree more to your statement.

6v6 with both sides with plat or higher, story is different.

Reaper is extremely team dependent as most DPS are (excluding doomfist, widow and very good tracer/genji) in those situations.

In that aspect, I think he is fine but I think many people are looking for ways to buff him so that his value isnt completely wasted when decent hit scan players are around (i.e., Master and up)

Also, I remember a post saying that blizz had lots of trouble “perfecting” smoke and/or fog rendering. This means that smoke grenades are not coming soon.

This leaves us with primary fire change or a secondary fire addition or both.

I think a decrease in spread and damage with lessened damage fall off due to range will put him in a good place. Mind you, this I think is a viable option since:

  • Less spread means that it will be harder for low skill players to aim with Reaper
  • Will actually be a nerf when it comes to tank busting (unless Reaper exploits point blank headshots)
  • Make him somewhat more versatile

Other than that I am out of ideas except for maybe shadowstep timing buffs.

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