How would you buff Ana and Zen?

For Ana I am not sure what she needs in the healing department. However I wouldn’t mind if she either had her own grappling hook, a dash or wall jump to give her some mobility. For Zen I wouldn’t mind if he had an ability to self heal himself under pressure.

Overall my buffs would be towards survival abilities.

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Zen doesn’t need anything ,as for ana it seems like she’s pretty good now but we’ll have to wait for the new balance changes to settle in


Ana needs self-sustain, why do I have to selfishly use my only form of healing on myself than my teammates?

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For god sake why do yoo think Zen needs a buff???


Considering both are doing very well, no buffs at all. That was easy. Can we stop trying to take away every heroes weaknesses.


Not at all. No buffs required for my fav Supports :muscle:

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I might make Zen a little bit faster, but honestly, he’s a really balanced hero. He doesn’t have as much survivability as some other supports, but still enough to encourage a play style that works really well.

Ana is in a perfectly fine condition - I don’t think she’ll be needing any buffs anytime soon.

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I wouldn’t. :thinking:

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Give Ana 50-75 shields so she doesn’t need to waste her nade every time a few pellets brush her. Also shave two seconds off her sleep cooldown.

I don’t really think Zen needs a buff? If anything, I’d give him a teensy nerf by lowering the duration that discord goes through walls from 3 to 2 seconds. Only real problem I have with Zen is how long it lasts tbh.


no need to buff ana, don’t know about zen don’t play him.

…buff Mercy



Yeah, look at the stats. On PC Ana doesn’t need any buffs. She has the classic sniper curve of winrate over ranks (i.e. especially bad low, especially good high) but is balanced overall.

On console maybe she could get something, I suppose. But there are major risks to balancing platforms differently.

Please… no more mobility buffs… did you guys forget about what happened to Hanzo?


You know, I didn’t like him being overpowered, but he’s way more fun to play now than he was before.


I think they should give ana a small amount of shields and have increase her sleep dart speed

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ana is perfect rn. Zen is at a high as well with dive gone away.

I think at this stage Ana mostly just needs some kinda of ability to access sniper spots without specifically relying on Symmetra to get her there. Some of her current usage is an artifact of Mercy no longer being Ms Meta (and the fact that we’re in a very tank heavy comp, which favors Ana big time), so it’s a little dubious that this change would make her obnoxiously strong

Zen doesn’t really need anything, he’s very well-balanced

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Neither of them really need buffs. Ana shouldn’t be played as a solo healer, and Sym can give her the mobility/Brig can give the anti dive needed for Ana to be good.

As for Zen, he’s one of the most balanced heroes. His entire ability to be good depends on the player. He has no crutches.

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Honestly I don’t even like playing Ana from a sniper nest. It prevents her from retreating into her team, and she doesn’t have a way to deal with divers like Widow does (who can jump down, and then hook away to confuse divers and waste their mobility abilities).