How would you buff Ana and Zen?

If power creep is further reducing the effectiveness of immobile heroes like McCree, Zen, and Ana, then I’m in favor of amplifying their strengths rather than changing their mobility. Their lack of mobility is partly what defines them and I wouldn’t like to see that changed. With McCree I’d favor reducing the cooldown of his combat roll, and the same for Ana with her dart, in lieu of more fundamental alterations.

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Zen needs to catch a nerf if anything he’s been meta for the longest time he isnt up imo he’s op


That’s because he’s a well designed character. When a hero is done properly right they will remain in the spotlight for a long time. He’s overall balanced like while he lacks survivability. He brings tremendous damage for that loss. I wouldn’t mind if he had an self heal ability, but either way it’s good.

I actually think Ana and (especially) Zen are fine right now. That last buff Ana got to add a healing effect to her nano boost is awesome. And Zen lacks survivability because he’s so strong in offensive abilities. His self defense is damage. I think they both feel good to play.


Give one of them a cleanse.

A few new legendaries and maybe a short.

It’s hard to justify anything other than maybe 80 damage.

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Zenyatta doesn’t need anything, TBH I feel like he’s probably the most balanced hero in the game.
As for Ana I think she’s in a pretty good spot right now. The recent changes to her nano works wonders for helping tanks contest the point, and win team fights. And being able to shoot through full health allies helps keep the whole team alive.


Nerf his discord and…
Wait, buffing them? I’m leaving OW.

Nah. I think he’s the most balanced hero in the game for the following reason: he’s extremely effective when he can operate in his comfort zone (well behind the tanks), but is extremely vulnerable to almost any typical flanker. Zen has to spot early on or get an extremely lucky right click charge to survive a 1-on-1 with Tracer, Reaper, Doomfist, etc. Moira can use fade and launch a purple orb, Mercy can guardian angel away, Lucio has his speed boost and wall riding, Brig can destroy almost any 250hp or less hero, and even Ana has a sporting chance with her sleep dart. Zen is just plain dead metal if you can sneak up on him.


How would I buff Ana and Zen? I wouldn’t.

Zenyatta needs to a nerf to start walking so we can hear him on approach.

I saw some people suggesting converting some of Ana’s health into shield, which honestly isn’t the worst idea as zen’s self sustainability also works similarly as he’s 75% shield (which makes him dead in EMPs but sombra is emmmmm nvm).

But even that isn’t really necessary, her lack of mobility and self sustain is what makes her tough to play in lower ranks and more rewarding to play in high ranks. the shields might make her really strong as she’ll have her very powerful grenade ready to go way more often (as she doesn’t need it for herself anymore).

The’ll both be nerfed in a few months.

Ana’s recent buff shoved her to top tier, I don’t know whether it’ll stick but for now this is a volatile situation involving changes to all but one of the supports

In TL;DR give it some time before calling for anything to any supports

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Well no every time the meta changes slightly or drastically someone gets a change hence why dva tracer and mercy had nerfs changing the meta in a fashion imo how I see it is the community perception of Zen is “he’s balanced so he’s fine” even though he’s been meta for more than a year which contradicts that very statement yes he lack mobility and also has tremendous damage but he’s also versatile since even in dive the meta where he shouldn’t belong was still chosen over Lucio even though Lucio mercy would have been a better choice the conclusion that I have reached is discord and trans especially trans are too strong since that debuff gives wall hacks and their team gains an damage buff so I propose the damage buff and wall hacks be lowered to 20% and 1 second respectively and with trans the nerf I propose is to lower it to 250

How I came to this reasoning was because I saw all the nerf x threads saying they were too strong and needed to be nerfed because they were meta for example how mercy was meta since season 6 and everyone was complaining but from what i’ve seen Zen and LuciI was ran before that for a longer period of time then Lucio was replaced

Meh, I’m down for Zen to be a little faster but Ana and Zen don’t need buffs. Ana is in a good place right now, and same with Zen.

5 hours on Zen? Please. lmao.

Zen does not need a nerf, he’s got enough disadvantages like being slow, high skill floor, requires aim, many counters, targeted by divers and flankers, big hitbox. You think he needs a nerf? No, he dosent. If we nerf him Brigitte will be the next best pick. Zen has been fine for ages.

Yes I have 5 hours on Zen since I try to play characters equally and I’m not finished with him yet

Being slow isn’t a huge disadvantage if you have high damage to compensate since if you hit harder the enemy has to be more wary of your attacks unlike Ana where if she misses dart 9/10 times she’s dead also don’t forget Zen has a debuff with wall hacks so if they are unsuccessful he already knows where they are

His skill floor isn’t super high the hardest thing to learn about him is his primary fire since you can spam orbs and also his abilities and his ult are both automatic

For many counters all flankers are support counters for the most part with the exception of probably sombra and snipers but snipers counter everyone if they rarely miss or aren’t behind a shield

Even if you nerf him Lucio would probably take his place or moira or Ana since brig still isn’t the best pick in this meta

Flankers have a hard time killing Moira because she has fade and her damage orbs. I’m not even gonna go through why Brigitte is hard to kill for a flanker, Ana at least has some sort of defense (Sleep and her Grenade). Zen only has his orbs, which you have to land before they kill you. He has a massive hitbox for Tracers to one clip.

He has no other abilities other than heal, and discord. He dosen’t have a get away ability for poor positioning like Moira. He dosen’t have any mobility, he is countered hard by Sombra.

Yes he does a lot of damage, because that’s all he’s got. He hasn’t got any other abilities. His ultimate is fine as well. Moira does near enough the same healing with her ultimate AS WELL as being able to do damage. And if you wan’t Zen’s Ultimate nerfed, then be prepared for another Grav + Dragon meta, because that was the only counter.

Except that Ana has too many weaknesses. She is slow, easily countered by Winston or or any sort of shield, no self sustain other than bionade which only grants a few HP.