How to master Valkyrie (an ez guide)

No. We’re going in full circle again. You’ve admitted the difference already. Don’t be that person.

30% damage to your whole team allows your team to spread out the damage on multiple targets and get a quicker result then going from target to target.

lol, i see you have no idea how good bunny hop is, especially in comparison to old ga.

I’m honestly so done with this ult. Virtually every other ult in the game I look forward to, this one is like “well, I guess I have something to help me survive ninjas and explosive tires!”.

Coalescence slays in comparison, even Nano is more fun because with it I can at least make clutch saves on individual teammates now.


So it’s easier without being better in the numbers if someone’s good enough to use the harder variant

In other words it’s a sidekicks ultimate that.

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With this logic, why bother using genji’s blade for a 3k when you can just flashbang each individual person at a time with mccree and 2 tap them in the head.

You’re still just arguing to argue with false equivalencies.

Are you seriously comparing Genji blade to Valkyrie?
Given how fast zen can swap the target it’d be more like “why would you have your DPS slowly killing 2 different people when you can secure a pick faster by focusing one person!” Duh
Like I said Valk is so underhwelming you can get similar results out of a basic ability with no cooldown, makes sense when her real Ult is attached to the E button


Yes, that is exactly what i’m doing. We’re done here. I can’t believe that’s what you took from your own flawed logic being used against you

The sad thing is, is that that strategy works.

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Another post indirectly asking for a Mercy buff even though she remains the best support in the game


I might be a jaded Ana player but I also like Mercy as well. Once both of these heroes were main heals (with Zen and Lucio designated as off heals). Mercy functioned as consistent healing and Ana was the staccato burst healer. A lot has happened to muck up the orderly universe since.

I kinda liked it better when NO ONE wanted to be healer — except maybe me. At least then the support function was better appreciated than it is now. Nowadays you have a solid faction that wouldn’t mind it always 6 DPS-vs-6 DPS every time.

Sigh :pensive:

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You could try explaining it then instead of being mean about it. :confused:

When I had toggle beams on, I’d do this…

Ult, hide in a doorway or behind a wall but with los and I’d go and refill my drink.

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No offense, but cleanse wouldn’t be that great.

The time of status effects is usually not that long and in the end so long as the status effect hits them (except for Ana Nade or saving a few from Earthshatter which would be another power creep on Rein), your team members would still likely suffer and die to things like shield bash and stun grenade, etc.

A mass invulnerability or E invulnerability with more charges in Valk or something would do way better if we are just going with removing Rez from the picture. It has the cleanse but would still force a Mercy to heal team members so that the invuln wasn’t a waste, it commends her for utilizing it to save someone from damage and give her time to heal them up so they are back in the fight. And maybe then we can middle ground the healing to 55hp/s or it might even allow the heals to stay at 50hp/s without it feeling like your team mates are dying even more than they already were at 60.

Honestly, I’d be pretty pissed too if the support that I like the most got pushed to the side for an easy-mode variant that gets much better results with comparatively none of the effort.

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Any time someone calls it “spectator mode” it’s very telling of their playstyle and not the ult itself.


Ah, another gem from Aria Rose. Bless her heart, she understand what Blizzard refuses to understand.

For everyone trying to like, roast Mercy players in this thread.

  1. This video is obviously satirical.
  2. The issue with Valkyrie is that, yes, it’s best used to initiate with team wide damage boost. The problem arises when you realize that your Reinhardt is low and taking damage, so now you have to spend half your Valk healing him at 50hp/s with your team not benefiting from chain heals like they would damage boost.

A solution to this (which has been proposed a number of times) is to make Valk beam single-target but with increased healing or damage boost, which allows you to choose which beam is more effective at any given situation, instead of being locked into healing because Hammond takes 10 seconds to heal. This change also removes the issue that Valkyrie contradicts Mercy’s core design, in that she’s a single-target healer. But Blizzard doesn’t want to do that for whatever reason.

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no like…we know. it just has all the mental strain of watching paint dry lol so like no matter what you do with it whether or not your team win or lose the fight you wont be anything you werent doing before lol.

we know we can ‘initiate’ a teamfight by using our damage boost. we can use it to go to the skybox and either be hard 2 hit or get the mccree/76 ultimate aimed at our faces. we can fly to our spread out team with more ease lmao.

we learned how to use her ult like…3 distinct times now (mass rez, Nuts op version, current watered down version of that last one). idk why people are so angry at the fact mercy players pretty much hate this reworked ult provided we didnt ask for it and said point blank we didnt want it.

also. issa joke. especially after this healing nerf lmao you really cant heal through anything with her anymore.


I find the “it’s a joke” defense to be a cop out when you’re this serious about the complaints. It’s passive aggression at it’s finest.

But to be fair, isn’t that the point? She isn’t supposed to utterly negate all dmg. She’s a healer and booster. Firstly, if she heals too good, then the other healers are basically useless. They must nerf her to make them viable. Balance keeps a game from getting stale. Secondly, can you honestly say, that Mercy was better when her playsytle was “Go sit in a corner and wait for us to die on the objective”. Valk is a “more of the same but better” type of ult that can either shift the battle or…not. Like Reaper. Instead of dmg boosting and healing one at a time, now you have to time it so that you can heal and dmg boost the team to give you an edge in the team fight. Also, you don’t HAVE to fly 50ft in the air for that lovely Widow to snipe you.

As someone said earlier, why can’t Mercy mains adapt like everyone else? These changes are not FOR Mercy players, they are for how she fits into the game as a whole. Is it because they have to use their brain power now to make her effective? Man, you Mercy mains are something else lol

Mercy is purely support, meaning she is THE healer since every other support has offensive and damage-dealing potential (without having to stop helping your team to go DPS, meaning they fit the support role better than Mercy as they support in other ways than just healing). Since she is the only support with less than 700 damage on average per game, that means the only thing she really does is heal/damage boost, meaning she is THE healer, since that is all she does. Of course she will outheal the others. They have other things to focus on than just healing. Even with 50 HPS, as well as other weaknesses that prevent them from healing.