How to make mercy 3.0

I know, another mercy thread, but this comes from a player looking at mercy

Mercys healing, although powerful for the player she is healing, its not enough for everyone

Her rez ability is the most vunerable and cannot be canceled

Her ult is quite strong and can make her a dps power unit

So, how to remake her

Up healing to 60h/s and can target upto 3 players at once that are within 10m of eachother

Make rez able to rez upto 4 players at a time, and each player she can rez in a group takes an additional .5 seconds on top of the regular time. Make it possible to cancel as well.

Make the ult more focused on heals
Increase healing to 75h/s to upto 5 players

Change cute spray requirements

To get it now the player has play for 4 minutes and rez 4 players, heal 2500 health, and buff 500 damage, whilst only dying 2 times

This will mean that the plaayer will need to utilize her kit to the fullest extent to achieve this

That isn’t just a rework, it’s a straight up buff.
You’re giving her more power but taking nothing in return.

Taking beam prioritization away from her normal kit (giving her AOE heals) is not the way. You’re just making her easier and stronger.


She needs it, doesnt she? Do you see her in owl, do you see her in higher than diamond play? Not as much as the other healers

She appeared a few times in OWL despite the meta being GOATs.

She doesn’t need to be made easier and stronger.
if she needs anything, it is a shift in her power and added complexity.

She can’t be buffed as she is now, because she will give the best results for the least effort. Buffing her and making it even easier to achieve better results is not the way.


No, that’s a mini valk. That’s more powerful than Moira’s healing because it’s constant and not on a resource.

No, that’s still powerful and people don’t want any variation of mass rez back.

No, that’s EXTREMELY powerful.

I don’t think you see how broken any of this is

Let her use her pistol while healing and dmg boosting.

Yeah, this is so ludicrously broken I thought it was satire at first.


If I had a really terrible temper, I bet there would be a really big dent in my desk, the size of my forehead, at this point.

Why are you making her OP again?

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She doesnt need it, and she is mained successfully in M, GM, and top 500 tiers…and also picked in meaningful Pro matches

I would recommend heading over to Ffirebrandd’s post of suggested changes. I like those quite a bit:

or check out mine :slight_smile:

Absolutely, I think that is along the similar lines of FFirebrandd’s (I’m unsure if they are inspired by each other or by the same source material - but forum goers tend to get inspired by good ideas they’ve read)

Jeez another one.
She has been in OWL a few times even in the Goat meta, so lets not use that argument.
All these changes do is make her easier to play and stronger at the time same time.

Matsy, not sure if you have taken a look at the dodo rework?

I have and I disagree with all of it apart from the removal of Res :stuck_out_tongue:
Yey for opinions :+1:
I could get behind a SLIGHTLY stronger valk healing output (from the dodo rework), but not much.

wait - it doesnt remove rez…oh wait, you mean you want it removed?

the chains would need to be reduced in power for a stronger main. 85/35? 90/30?

Errr yes, replaced with something else and maybe slightly more healing in valk. Or even ditch chain beam and give it a good buff in healing output (valk ONLY)
I can get behind any healing output change as long as the other healers can still compete, specially in higher tiers.

I’ll edit this to not make more posts:
I didn’t realise that it said Res would still be there (I only read the top lol)
But yes I would prefer to to be removed all together replaced with something else (maybe a HoT) on top of increased healing in valk in either chain beam or single target with alittle more increased.

so you wouldnt want it to be an option (as the dodo rework has it) for players who still like rez?

I mean, in this rework, you could choose to never use rez and still get value out of the cooldown ability through its use on live target option - it would be eliminated from YOUR games

(sorry for hijacking, FireB, will move this discussion in a bit)

She appeared in OWL because Pharah + Mercy is a hard thing to counter without hitscan DPS. Even then Mercy was literally just DMG boosting the pharah and sitting in her pocket. IDK about you but that doesn’t sound right when talking about a main healer.