How to make mercy 3.0

A little of each I think.

I’ve got a separate post that proposes 80/50 healing in Valkyrie that predates both of those posts though I am unaware of whether Megadodo saw it or not. Megadodo is (I think) the first person I’ve seen to propose allowing Resurrect to be used on a living target for a different effect.

The Res option in my thread is exactly the one that Megadodo and I kind of sort of settled on while discussing it in his (her? idk) thread.

Did I say I agree with her design?
No, never. Please do read it again.

I don’t agree with further reducing her skill ceiling and making her stronger. Those two simply can’t coexist.

The reason she can’t be buffed further is because she’s very easy to use to have as much value as other supports which take more effort.

So making her take even less effort to play is not the way to help her.

Oh I agree with you 100%. I just wanted to reply to that one bit about her being played in OWL.

Agreed. Mercy is already boring to play because you can only get so good before you hit your head against the ceiling. The ceiling needs to be raised while keeping the floor where it is.

Rez should be removed completely to make way for a new ability that would make Mercy more enjoyable to play. The only thing that makes her compete with other supports that have more utility than her is the fact that she still has rez which can still be a game changer if used correctly.

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What if Resurrect was changed thusly?

Mercy’s E can now be used on living allies. When used this way, it provides the target a burst heal of 125 followed by a 100 HPs 1.75s channeled heal. During this channel, Mercy is NOT slowed by 75% but is unable to use other abilities.

This is a though one. While the burst heal is strong and would help mercy heal tanks more easily, I don’t think it would work. If you had it as an ability that can be used on different targets, in this case living and dead allies, would the cooldown change depending on how you used the ability? 30 sec is good for an ability as strong as rez but for a burst heal I feel 30 sec is a bit excessive.

30s cool down either way.

It isn’t just a burst heal. It’s a 125 burst heal, then Mercy continues to heal her target for 100 HP/s for the 1.75s cast time that Resurrect currently has. Giving a total healing amount of 300, but split up so it isn’t only useful on tanks. It is probably weaker than Resurrect, but it is significantly easier to get value out of.

Then that adds in the question for the Mercy player, “Do you want to go for the risky but better Resurrect or do you want to go for the less risky but less powerful heal.” Assuming the numbers are right, that could be a very difficult question to answer, which is good.


just, NO

In the later stages of OWL season 1, she had 100% pickrate. One hundred.

I think some other heroes deserve some time in the spotlight, don’t you?