How to know if your account was permanently ban or suspended

I was just suspended from overwatch even though I only played quick play and didn’t receive an email even thought my account is linked I get an error message that says my account was suspended and to contact I already submitted a ticket, would this affect my overwatch 2 progress or should I start getting a refund for my watchpoint pack?

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If you were permanently banned, yeah… It would affect your Overwatch 2 account because it is the same account. You will not be able to use the Watchpoint perks.

If it was just a week, or whatever, your Watchpoint pack will work once you regain access to the account.

If you’re perma banned it says so at the bottom of your Bnet app. That’s the 2 keywords-banned or suspended. If it says banned then its RIP account

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Oh okay so if it only says suspended I should be good? However I can’t log into the game at all

Yeah if you’re suspended the email should say what date the suspension expires, then you’re good to use Watchpoint afterwards. If its your first time suspension can’t remember how long it lasts, but it takes immediate effect

Yea this was my first ever “penalty” I guess but I didn’t get an email hopefully they see my ticket before the servers closed down I had 12k coins I wanted to spend on the final day smh. Thank you for responding

No probs. Keep an eye out in your registered email account and it will give you the full details

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Hey sorry but I have one more question I went on my app and checked the overwatch link and it tells me profile not found should I be concerned or is that a bug?

I honestly don’t know, that may be worth asking about via ticket

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Again I’m very sorry for bothering but I’m tripping hard lmao I read that console “suspensions” are permanent do you know anything about this?

Ah with console I definately don’t know as I play on PC. I do have the X Box Series X version of OW but only played a couple of games. I don’t want to give you the wrong info so that’s something you’ll need to look into as I honestly don’t know.

Dang ok thanks ima wait till Monday morning if nothing happens ima just have to refund the watchpoint pack and quit lmao

yo are u able to play again with the suspended account ?

Yea it got suspended for 1 day only lmao

battle net support won’t help you for console. They will refer you to Sony. Suspension or ban.

Ayy happy for u bro. That also makes me glad cuz the exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I was also worried if a first time suspension on console is permanent so this kinda confirms its not. Btw can i ask what were u suspended for? I wanna know if my suspension will also be a day only since they have not emailed me how long it will last.

Yea they didn’t email me either but I guess for toxicity and a bit of throwing on QUICK PLAY :joy:

ah alright i think mine was for abusive chat so i dont know how long suspensions for that last. One more thing, like the next day u logged on overwatch everything was fine? U didnt have to log back in or anything?

Yup it just let me back in the game, you should be fine if it was just abusive chat I’d imagine cause mine was basically the same thing however that was my first time ever getting suspended so that’s probably why it was just for a day

Unless you were hacking. Highly Doubtful. If you were being toxic then you have been muted before so you would have had a penalty. If this was your 1st then its a mute