Mercy at that point was the best main healer since Ana had just been nerfed and Mercy had just been buffed. Also to add on to that people were beginning to exploit hide & rez for sr gain.
omgalul this hurts my brain
As an around 4300 SR Mercy main who got there after all the nerfs I’ll have to disagree with you. Mercy players can have mechanical skill along with many others. You can actually look up a lot of Mercy players and see they’re able to aim, despite playing Mercy. Other skills Mercy takes tie into her kit quite a lot too! Things that distinguish a high SR Mercy player and a low SR Mercy player at the moment are mostly these;
Knowing the perfect moment to use Valkyrie.
Resurrecting safely and knowing when to take the risk.
Being able to juggle healing among teammates.
Being able to Kite enemy players for long periods of time and not die, while healing your team.
Usually being around the last person on the team to die.
Knowing when to use pistol when those niche situations come up, and being able to aim while using it.
Knowing how to abuse her B-Hops so you are harder to kill
Being aware of the enemy teams ultimates, and calling them out
Because let me just tell you from personal experience from all the time I’ve spent on some of my alts from bronze-masters, there are Mercy players that absolutely suck. But there are also ones that understand these things. It’s a complete 50/50, just as any of your teammates are.
and people who know how to play Mercy would get her ult in 30 seconds? Well, that’s definitely wrong. Mercy has a set healing amount and usually gets her ult within a minute or so. Even considering this, if it did turn out Mercy DID get her ultimate too fast, the developers can EASILY fix that and make it a little harder to get.
Also, no people don’t think Mercy was a troll pick in Season Two because she wasn’t in pro play. That is not the mindset at all. If you remember Season Two literally at all you’ll understand why people think this way. Ana was the meta and was extremely good, and when you picked Mercy, you were putting your team in a bit of a disadvantage. People would flame you for this quite relentlessly as Mercy just wasn’t as good. To make Mercy work you genuinely had to play your best 100% of the time or else you would continue to get flamed, Mercy players genuinely were treated horribly in that time because of how underpowered she was compared to Ana.
I’m pretty positive people understood that as well, and honestly, Mercy would not be cemented as a must pick because she has to earn her rez in the proposed ideas. Also, we genuinely have no idea what else Blizzard will add to the game hero-wise, so we could get a healer soon that’s even more meta than Mercy. Mercy has been a must pick for all these months since the rework because she literally doesn’t have to earn rez, it promotes bad gameplay in all honestly. The average has become what almost everyone is, good Mercy’s only being defined by kiting and their game sense/awareness. It’s extremely unfair to say Mercy doesn’t deserve a moment to save a fight, or a game when almost every other hero in the game does this. Also, if you want to be realistic, you should know Resurrect will never leave this game, so this post is made considering that and giving opinions on where to go next, which seem to be the opinions of every Mercy main in this community now. People are bored of her because shes literally a braindead moth, with no real character anymore. Resurrect is Mercy’s core and what makes her unique, people just want that highlighted again so she isn’t a soulless moth.
Also, you can still be a Mercy main
Sadly this isn’t realistic, this post is made while having in mind that they will never do that as that is Mercy’s core and what makes her unique.
Let me ask you this then.
Do you want it so Mercy is less picked in higher ranks than say Ana for example?
Just curious.
In my opinion? Yes 100%. Ana takes a lot more skill than Mercy and should be more powerful than her just by healing capabilities. Changing Mercy back to her Season Two self makes it so you actually have to improve at her to climb, and makes it where skilled Ana players excel. But, that’s just my opinion.
she needs an E ability that takes skill to use
Nice reply that really helps me understand what was wrong in that paragraph, but anyways, don’t blow your cover you may begin looking like one of those people
Willing to bet that the only blue post in this thread will be “thread locked / moved to new megathread because discussing this makes us uncomfortable to be confronted with our own stupidity”
LMAO PROBABLY, that just means we have to be louder about what we want.
Here ya go:
That encourages Mercy to be a must pick even higher than now.
Seriously get rid of Resurrect as a part of her kit, give it a shield or whatever, ress doesn’t fit in OW.
It brings her back to how she used to be, also consider the fact they will probably be adding more supports in the future due to how lackluster the category is, they will probably buff Ana again as well. Mercy would most likely become less of a must pick due to half of the Mercy players now just relying on Resurrect being on a 30 second cooldown.
Doesn’t matter.
Brigitte a broken hero didn’t even took the spot of Mercy even when she can 1vs1 almost the entire cast and hard counter Tracer and dive comp alone and heal in AOE giving permanent armor the entire game.
Mercy will be a must pick as long she has resurrect, that’s why she is OP and the most picked character in the game on both sides and on every mode/map.
She makes the game a 7vs7 because you eventually have to kill a target twice.
Brigitte didn’t take Mercy’s spot because Brigitte is a secondary support, she isn’t meant to be a main healer like Mercy.
and I genuinely do not think that way, nor does a lot of people, Resurrect may be a powerful ultimate, but so is Transcendence, Graviton Surge, Rocket Barrage, Minefield, etc. Ults are meant to be powerful, but they don’t automatically make heroes applicable to a team comp.
Mercy would most likely, after receiving the nerfs previously stated to Resurrect, be on par with most of the other support players.
Also, Mercy just isn’t a problem if you have the right focus and game sense, which is just what you get once you improve at the game.
"Maybe"isn’t the correct word, it’s in fact was the most broken/op ultimate in the entire game. That was the main reason why devs reworked Mercy on the bad way.
You cannot compare by any means Transcendence/grav with the old resurrect. All the supports have some kind of DEFENSIVE ultimate, they don’t UNDO all the work from the entire team reviving characters from dead. Is Mercy players refuses to accept the reality.
It definitely is the correct word. It was broken because of the buffs that they gave it in February 2017 which made it have zero risk and be all reward. I can compare them because Transcendence (when used correctly) saves a team from dying 99% of the time. Graviton Surge can literally carry a team fight from the Zarya getting ult alone. It isn’t different for Mercy. People are just so used to Resurrect being OP since they didn’t tone it down for 6 months during the complete failure of a rework, and they certainly didn’t try to go back on the invulnerability changes. They never nerfed the LOS or the range, because Mercy back then seemed to be underpower/in a good spot. And are you sure they don’t undo the enemy teams hard work? Transcendence can negate the effects of Gravs almost completely, Zarya can still carry a team fight when her teammates are dead. Things aren’t as different as you’d like to believe, and there is no reality to accept for Mercy players other than the one that Blizzard completely ignores them and shuts them up by making meaningless mega threads and never even telling us whats going on with our hero, whilst being willing to talk about upcoming changes to others.
Big agree with invuln - that, in my opinion, started many issues with the way she was played. I also genuinely think that adding rez to killfeed caused problems;
Mercy is seen as a nonthreatening hero, so when she comes in and rezzes, people throw a fit because “How dare this nonthreatening hero overturn my kills!” - the fact that it got put on killfeed amplified this.
Good post OP.
I’d just want to point out a few things
- Resurrect is VERY similar to transcendence, with the only difference being one continuously undo damage while the other undoes the damage in one go. The end result is still that the team is saved from the defensive ultimate of one support.
- Interestingly, Mercy with her old mass rez was NEVER a must pick. She was good, but wasn’t meta. Just thought you might want some facts to support your argument