How to get out of bronze when its full of trolls and smurfs?

Please do not violate the forums with your foul language. Thank you.:heart:

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Please do not violate the Code of Conduct rules by intentionally flaming/trolling. :slight_smile:

You’re the one insulting me. I never said anything bad about you

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This forum post slowly got worse and worse

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No, you never said anything bad about me. You did it to other people. I never insulted YOU, I asked you to please stop leaving low effort comments (like your 8 word guide to climbing out of bronze – “get good”). But I am 100% comfortable going over our entire interaction with a MOD.

Well, ok, I get what you are trying to do, but, rather than troll them until they break, you could just do VOD reviews for them :slight_smile:

I tried Robot :slight_smile: The person ignored it. Wouldn’t take my criticism because i wasn’t an overwatch league player or a streamer.

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Oh I don’t want to get you suspended, talking to you is too much fun (and comedy gold)

This is an awesome suggestion. When I played a different FPS for money, VOD reviews were a weekly must. It really helps improve gameplay, even if only you yourself are reviewing it. VOD reviews are particularly helpful when you can get a higher skilled player to look it over and give you some pointers. This is an awesome suggestion.

So, what ARE you good at? I see you have a Mei icon, if nothing else I may take you up on VOD review offers :slight_smile:

Hell, I played overwatch for money (well, I joined a team because it looked like fun - which it absolutely was one of the best experiences of my life but we got a LOT further than we should, and got to where you got money for playing), brutal VOD reviews nightly are how we got to contenders trials.

Most of our team burnt out afterwards, (me included!). The amount of hours we all put in was madness.

I’ve recovered, and would love to do it all again :slight_smile:

This is what i got you cant help the people that dont want to be helped sadly.

If I already did vods and I also record my streams on my twitch ( that are there for everyone that I didnt personally send a review for to see, why should I send one to a random person that already refused to watch the 5 videos I linked in this forum? and as far as my silver border that you mentioned goes, not all of that border was gained in comp a lot of it was from deathmatch. The way to fix the troll/smurf/thrower problem isn’t “just git gud” as I have stated “solving problems by pushing them aside” isn’t the answer. I respect your opinion trust me I truly do, but unless you play down here you really dont know how big the problem is. Seeing how high your rank is you won’t have smurfs because there really isn’t a rank higher than the rank you are in. You are a really good player which is rad. Trust me I am super happy that you didn’t have to start your journey in bronze. I know I am not as good as you and I know I will never reach your rank. all I am saying is that I shouldn’t have to have so many games where I look at someones profile on the other team to find that for several seasons they were diamond or plat and all of a sudden they are playing in bronze as a hitscan destroying everyone leaving no chance of us low leveled bronze players to win or to even have fun losing to an equally good team. But I really do respect you for your high skill.


Oh are they now trying to figure that out? AFAIK they haven’t done Jack in terms of making Comp more enjoyable/fun/fair ever. they implemented a bunch of lackluster halfassed adjustments but what they need is something big. Comp is just for madmen and Master+ players.

Best Regards

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Actually smurfs do exist in bronze and there’s a huge portion of them… is OP stuck in bronze cause of smurfs? No.

OP is just bad and will not get out until they acknowledge it.

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all you can do is git gud

first of all I already said I will not be climbing anywhere near as high as flyingfrogs so please stop with the personal attacks. All I am saying is that no one should have their games ruined by people that shouldnt be messing around in their rank. I want to lose because of playing with people in my rank. Its fun having a close match even if you lose. What isn’t fun is being utterly destroyed by someone that has no business playing in your rank. There is nothing fun about it whatsoever. Blizzard seperated people by rank for a reason. If they didnt want people to play in different ranks then everyone would just play in everyones rank regardless of skill level like the wild west or something. if you cant understand that then I dont know what to tell you

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What are you saying is simply not true. I was in bronze and silver for quite some time. From my own experience i can tell you that platinum has far more smurfs than bronze, they are not so common in there. In high plat you will get smurfs, because a lot of them is placed there. Derankers and people who decayed from higher ranks, so it is easy to derank to plat by simply letting account to decay and throw few games. As I said i was in bronze myself and i could instantly tell if someone is smurf. And I didnt see many of them, mostly people from diamond anyway. I dont think i ever saw someone with higher skill there.

And if you think its easy to derank to bronze its not. For someone who has higher rank its very hard and time consuming. And its bannable too and dont tell me blizz isnt punished them because thats not true. I know people who were banned for toxicity, cheating even deranking.

Really? I DIDN’T experience that?

I took NOTES it was that bad, I make a post to overwatch university about it.

Yeah it was that bad. You have no idea.

Remember I could SEE what ranks they were coming from, because that is how the game worked back then.

I edited my post, you were faster in your answer, so read it again please :slight_smile:

I am not saying you didnt experience that but its possible that you just saw smurfs in people when there were just better than other and they were climbing. Thats all.

Smurfs which were in Plat+ earlier in the same season?

I could see their icons, this was NOT based on their play style. At the time, Icons were based on the highest rank you got that season not your current rank…

They were in Plat / Diamond earlier in the same season, and now they were in Bronze…

What they just had a couple of bad games, missed a few shots as widow, and dropped to bronze?

If a Plat player drops to Bronze he is there for only one reason.

Every night for an entire week. Every single game had someone with a Plat or higher icon in it.