How to get out of bronze when its full of trolls and smurfs?

And you are clearly wrong and have no idea what you are talking about.

Below 1500 is an awful smurfest.

1- No one is personally attacking you please do not accuse me of such a things, as it can get me forum bannedā€¦ thank you.


This was what you said right? As someone that has been in bronze the first season i started it was pretty easy to climb out once I actually started learning the gameā€¦ no amount of throwers/smurfs were able to keep me down, youā€™re trying to blame them for your lack of ability to climb up.

Yes playing with and against them sucks but these kind of things happen in a lot of games and in different elos and itā€™s not easy to ā€œjust ban themā€ in my experience dota/league of legends have the same issue still they do not prohibit you from climbing.

And I actually know a lot of what they do in bronze Iā€™m also aware of the shanghai icon they tend to useā€¦ wanna climb out? Stack itā€™s more likely theyā€™ll be on the enemy team and most of the time thet will be dropping down rather than climbing up youā€™ll get free SR for it.

Also Iā€™m more than glad to give you a discord link for bronze to gold players where they team up and play with one another I also was informed theyā€™re getting coaches to help them out through out the climb.

I have friends who dropped from almost master to gold, who were high plat several seasons and now they are in silver. Not every person who was higher before is smurf, you just dont know story behind it, why they are there now. Look, i am not saying there are no smurfs in bronze but its nowhere close to what people in bronze are complayining about. Its still incredibly easy to climb from bronze with all heroes.

which season were you in bronze? was it pre brig? or after brig was added and doomfist was buffed?

Season 6 and I was a two trick Dva/Soldier main had no idea what half the heroes do because I simply never tried them out.

I think it is crazy easy to climb from mid silver. I think it is harder to get into Silver from Bronze than it is to get to Gold from Silver.

I always ended up Socialing my way out of Bronze, and then playing my way out of Silver.

Seriously, when I was in high gold, I still didnā€™t have as many games with Plats in them as I did in Bronze. It was insane.

They shortened the seasons, which made a big difference, since there was a REAL culture to throw to bronze at end of season, so the last few weeks was completely unplayable.

I donā€™t know what it is like down there now, but I heard things got pretty bad after the humble bundle.

I just want Blizzard to take that problem more seriously, I donā€™t face that kind of smurfing anymore, since it is very much restricted to Bronze. But damned if I wonā€™t defend the Bronzies who just want some fair games. I remember how bad it was.

I am still freaking traumatized by how bad it was down there.

The game isnā€™t the same as it was back in season 6. You have to keep in mind the current state of the game. I see a lot of people talk about how easily they climbed but its always seasons pre brigitte and pre doomfist. Back before the game was nothing but CC regardless I know I am not good enough but that isnā€™t my point. My point is still that Its no fun losing an unwinnable match against someone in plat or diamond

I think its much worse above diamond because you cant be carried by performance sr boost as below. Thats why its so easy from bronze to silver, you simply have to play better than others and avoid doing critical mistakes and you will climb no matter smurfs or throwers. You said it was more easy from silver to gold but i see you in silver now. I am not trying to be toxic just curious what happened :slight_smile:

Youā€™re again blaming other thingsā€¦ first it was the smurfs now the meta and the new hero although I offered a method that might actually benifit you as one of the players that are applying to be a coach is a friend of mine and heā€™s a phenominal player with high game knowledge pretty sure heā€™ll be able to help a lot of those in lower rank if he gets accepted.

I donā€™t see how doomfist and brig got mixed up into this? We also have those heroes in higher elo and we still climb.

Edit: youā€™re a sombra main? You do know you counter doomfist, right?

They canā€™t get rid of leavers, throwers or smurfs.

Thatā€™s why it blows my mind that they still try to give you SR based on your teamā€™s stupid antics.

The game NEEDS to move to a Personal SR system.

That way, you can log on and play your best. And leave with what you deserve.

The current system is the most infuriating BS iā€™ve ever seen, and Blizz doesnā€™t seem to care because they assume everyone should be playing in a 6 man team.

Give 6 man teams a team SR.
Give individuals a rating that they deserve.

Orā€¦ just get rid of SR and show a shortened version of your MMR.

It seems so damn obvious to me.

But its team game, team effort. Some things cant be meassured by only stats, you can have insane stats in game and feed badly too. Or have bad stats and do important thing which secured team win.

Well, that is a hell of a story, but, I think you will get a kick out of it.

Would you believe I ended up in a pro team, and got to contenders trials?

Iā€™ll send you a link about our team, so you can hear about it from Jayne himself.

https ://

Ok, so now you have context, I wasnā€™t the Bronze player, but, to be honest, I wasnā€™t much better than he was.

We practiced like hell, Scrims every couple of days, Vod reviews on days where we were not scrimming, and generally pushing ourselves as hard as it is possible to do so.

But our team was weird, we had a Bronze, and me, who got the honor of being the oldest pro overwatch player in the world.

I was the teams Zen, and this was in the HEIGHT of dive, so I was the #1 target every game.

I was also having trouble with an auto immune disorder which was giving me arthritis.

By the time the contest was over, we were all burnt out heavily, and health wise things were a lot worse for me.

I gave up caring about the game, and dropped HARD, tried to play Widow (which I am about as bad as can be), and various other heroes which I never really got a change to play etc.

These days, I have meds which seems to be working, and have recovered from the crazy burnout. Iā€™m chilling, and getting back into the game slowly, gaining Sr every day, but, making sure I am just taking it easy and enjoying myself.

Iā€™ve taken up Lucio, and am loving every minute of it.

Hell, I am thinking of getting a team together and joining the open again, and doing the entire crazy mess all over again :slight_smile:

(changed the link so you go to the right time in the steamā€¦)

Itā€™s okay I suck at the game too hence why I focus on improving, Iā€™m actually glad that youā€™re changing your mindset thatā€™s the first step to improve :slight_smile:

Whenever youā€™re in a more calmer state donā€™t hestitate to contact me or add me ingame Iā€™m more than happy to provide you with general tips to help you out or if youā€™d like to join the server I mentioned or even try watching one of your vods, Iā€™m mainly a tank main that flexes to support but can also help out with general tips on dps or positioningā€¦ good luck :slight_smile:

Come on, dont be like that. You are not trash for being in bronze. System is not perfect, yes there are smurfs too but you as individual person still have higher chance to climb if you focus on that. Dont try to find reason why you cant, focus only on how to get better, try to find coach, watch stream, check your sesn setting vs players higher. Many things can help you. If you honestly thing its smurfs what is keeping you in bronze you are simply lying to yourself and you will never climb. I was trying to help many players in lower rank with coaching, some of them climb and left bronze, some of them are even gold now. I am not pro coach but if you are interested i can try to help you. But you have to want to get better yourself, its hard work.

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                 BRO SILVER XP ?  and STILL IN BRONZE? 
 ( NB I don't think  u Suck , u can get easy to Gold , and then stuck 4ever) 
          Pls see bellow solutions / posible problems  :


  1. Check your PING and Internet. PING must be bellow 5ms delay.
  2. Are u playing in 60fps and above?
    (If not you need a GPU and a Gaming Monitor that can reach 60fps MINIMUM pros play at 160- 240fps )

Better at that level PLAY SELF SUSTAIN characters that can self heal , damage , and kill ā€¦ instead of SOMBRA (donā€™t expect collaboration at the lowest level ā€¦ people are still learning the maps in bronze ) My suggestions play

HOG , MAY ,ZEN , BRIGGITE , MOIRA , SYMMETRA ( anything that docent need healers)

U can easy score 4 gold medals with them , plus if u play the payload and objective 5 medals. The match maker wants to CORRECT U. Upwards if u perform well (medals) and downwards if u are tilted , died 20 times , have 0 kills.

                   SUPER IMPORTANT RULES / TIPS (4 me) 
    1. Write this down "I play to become better, i need to get 5 gold medals on each game no matter what, so the match maker will favour me on next game. " (if u perform well u will be forced into a winning streak)
    1. Press the TAB (button) to see how YOU perform. OW sound effects will trick u , into thinking u are doing amazing (with e.g. SOMBRA) although in fact u may have only 1 kill and died 10 times. IF U UNDERPERFORM CHANGE HERO ON SAME CATEGORY
    1. PUT MUSIC ON 0 VOLUME (like all pros ) so u donā€™t get emotionally agitated by it.


The moment u get annoyed by Smurfs, Trolls , Kids , Idiots you are T I L T E D and u forgot rule 1. Take a brake

(PS took me 5 seasons to get above in my head, hope it helps u ā€¦ THE FINAL TIP IS THE MOST DIFFICULT AND MOST USEFUL )

Oh very interesting story. I like jayne, he has very good coaching videos. I wish you luck in climbing :slight_smile: hope you are doing better now, i feel bad for players with some kind of disadvantage because of medical reasons. I have one friend who is forced to play with controller on pc. He had troubles to climb from bronze too but he recently climbed to high silver so i was happy for him.

I do not know if this ā€œbronze situationā€ is overexagerat or not, but here is what I do know:

  1. You have no control over what the other guy does! The trolls are going keep trolling, the smurf are going to keep smurfing. Once you have accept that fact you can either surrender to it as a fatality or take responsability of what you gonna do about it.

  2. No matter how much smurf/troll you have, there is still a majority of legit bronze player, which are by definition the easiest opponent to abuse. Learn to abuse them

  3. As a legit bronze player you have so much to learn that you can improve easily in a lot of areas. Figure out what is holding your back, and correct it by recording and analysing your gameplay.

You have to give yourself the permission to chill the games that are not in your control and focus on being an asset to your team on the other matches. That way you will appear as a smurf to other bronze player and climb out of it.

Oh things are fine now :slight_smile:

I am just taking it easy :slight_smile:

To be honest, it was more the burnout that anything else. Pro comp is HARD, like harder than anything I have done before. I loved every minute of it.

Being in a team where you know what everyone is meant to be doing, and where they all will be, is so good.

Being able to flawlessly run plans, and the only thing is if you are good enough to do so, and can rely on everyone else to play their part.

It is another level of play, and it is so so much fun.

I can sometimes get a soloQ team on board with one of our old teams strats, and it is the best :). We just roll the enemy so very hard, they have no idea what hits them.

I look forward to playing on Horizon because of it, I must be one of the only people who just LOVES that map.

It REALLY helps a team which is working together, and REALLY punishes teams who are not.

5 gold medals no matter what? Lol thats a bad advice.

Play Winston and kill the enemy backline.

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