How to fix Spin2Win without ruining other interactions

Great idea

Simply if he is taking damage?

How about instead of when “in combat” make it so balls grapple only breaks after 6s of being in fireball mode? That would only effect spin2win!

Oh, oh, I have an idea, and this is a wiiiild one…

Wait for it…

Just stun him 4Head

No, seriously, there are like 5-6 heroes in the game without some sort of CC, how hard is it to hit the biggest hitbox in the entire game moving in a predictable direction? We might as well revert some Mei nerfs. You know, Mei, the biggest counter to him. Might as well not buff her, just pick her and put a wall in his way, problem solved.

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Spin2Win is problem for who exactly ? for people below 500 sr ?


Good suggestions. They rightfully address the terribly - designed, low skill - high reward mess that is the Spin 2 Win play style while also limiting the collateral damage of the latest change.

Would Hammond’s hook having a bit larger hitbox and being destructible also a good alternative?

Agree 10000000000%
They should also revert grapple’s cooldown on respawn to give back spawn rollouts.

If they nerfed pharah the same way they did with Ball, firstly destroying her booping knockback (which is the best boop in the game BTW on a flying hero and it still blows my mind that she keeps this for OW2 where supposedly only tanks have CC) and secondly doing what you wrote, the DPS forum users would strike and manage to nerf tanks again instead.
“Git Gud”

DPS: we won’t be queuing DPS anymore until you fix this!!
Devs: our bad we gotta revert it quick and… nerf tanks to show our good will

I’m laughing rn, because this is too much within the realm of possibility

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well maybe devs don’t want those interactions since they seem fairly negative to everyone’s experience outside of ball himself… like for example

well, no other hero can do that, most heroes have to get in their effective range in the blink of an eye and make decisions on the spot, I understand the like for unique gameplay but at what point is that too much of a leeway for the ball player?

This is straight up a bug exploit, not only does it flings him in an unnatural way to the physics of the game but also gives him so much room for error if he can hold it infinitely and wait for the platform to be in perfect position, it literally defeats the purpose of grapple and swinging itself

same deal, is Wrecking ball supposed to spy? he’s a tank, I understand he’s sort of a flanking tank but if these interactions are left untouched the purpose of the tank role become very blurry and yeah tanks aren’t particularly well defined nowadays (Thanks hog) but it is very clear to me that blizz is trying to keep tanks as bruisers and not as “spies” or “flankers”

The solution is to keep the timer but give it an audio/visual cue while making the cd start the moment grapple connects, that way you can re-grapple immediately, this means that skilled players will be able to hold their position IF they’re paying attention to their cds

too much leeway for the char consistently with the lowest or 2nd lowest win rate across all ranks?

If be a lot more willing to test this. It’s a lot more fair.

I understand your point of him not being top tier tank but every hero has a baseline for playing against them, what I’m saying is that if Ball is underperforming then they gotta buff him but not necessarily by keeping the things that makes him frustrating to play against, this is mass rez all over again, spin2win had to go and the path of getting ball to a balanced spot has just begun

judging by other changes in recent patches, “balance” does not appear to be a goal of any sort and the path certainly does not lead to anywhere near it

Fixing exploits is actually a good thing.

I agree they should add at least that.

you are of course free to distrust but ultimately they are the ones doing the changes, by all means express your frustrations but until a new patch hits, this is how ball is going to be, might as well adapt

First reasonable suggestion ive seen on the forums

I know of no aspect(s) of Wrecking Ball that can reasonably be described as “terribly designed”

This character is very well designed, in my opinion

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Literally no one has ever complained about these interactions. I bet you didn’t even know they existed until I pointed them all out.

Again, point out to me a SINGLE post complaining about Ball priming his swings beforehand? Oh, right, literally no one did. Ball isn’t given too much leeway, there’s a good reason he’s literally the worst tank in every rank except GM/Masters. He’s extremely punishing if you aren’t solid on his mechnics.

In what does it “defeat the purpose of grapple and swing?” You’re using map geometry to find a new attack pose… that is literally the purpose of swings.
And these things are usually referred to as “techs,” it takes a decent bit of skill to pull this one off. You have to get the timing just right. Blizzard tends to support these as long as they are gamebreaking, and again, no one has ever complained about this.

The only reason you’re complaining now is because you dislike Ball and want to see any opportunity for him to get nerfed. It has nothing to do with these techs that, let’s be real, you’ve never even noticed in your games.

you’re right in that no one complained about those, however a LOT of people complained about spin2win, if, big IF, blizz determines that those need to go along with spin2win then… why not? fixing all of those in one swing seems ideal tbh

because in my opinion, ball isn’t supposed to wait for hours with the hook in one place, he’s supposed to be mobile, interactive and require quick thinking, you’re not being a “wrecking ball” if you’re holding onto one spot for longer than 6 seconds

I don’t, as a matter of fact my suggestion since this patch hit has been to give him visual/audio cues and start the cd upon hook succefully grappling onto a surface so that he can re grapple after the timer runs out if needed be, however I do dislike spin2win as well, not everything is black or white and my like or dislike of one character means nothing in the eyes of blizz, the mechanics were simply put broken and blizz making things fair and consistent is always a win in my book

the point being that the change is a good direction for ball though he will definitely need buffs after, if you can’t understand this then you’re choosing to stay angry instead of looking forward and that my dude is none of my business

Based on your replies, I have a strong impression that you haven’t played ball at any significant skill level and there are glaring gaps in your knowledge