How to fix Reaper:

  • Make ShadowStep invulnerable during the first half. (And 3x faster)
  • Make Reaper do 100% damage to armor, instead of only 50%.

Would make ShadowStep actually useful, without being OP offensively.

Would make it so Reaper is genuinely great at tank shredding, and a direct counter to armor from Brigitte and soon-to-be-buffed Torbjorn.

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I don’t think Reaper needs any changes. He is right where he needs to be. Its other heroes that need to change.

Remove Shadow Step, replace it with Smoke Grenades.


Shadowstep is not useless … it’s actually good. Just don’t teleport infront of a Widow or in the center of the enemy group. And 3 times faster would basicly be instant. The armor thing …. maybe.


The only problem with Reaper is his teleport. Its one of the worst abilities in the game next to Rein’s charge. All it does it get Reaper killed in combat. It’s loud, slow, and leaves him vulnerable. I’d rather he have something like smoke grenades or a shadow clone jutsu or something.

Give him 300 health


I play a lot of Zen. His teleport ability is terrible. It’s loud and slow and gets him killed more often than it should. It’s as bad as the Rein charge in terms of usefulness.

That’s why you don’t teleport infront of someone or super close to someone. His teleport is good but you have to be smart with it.

But if he could Wraith in, then quickly and mostly safely escape using ShadowStep, that certainly would be something.

Kinda like how he escaped when fighting Winston in the trailer.

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it sucks. IT SUCKS. please tell me whoever liked this is memeing. it sucks so much. it has to be like 3 times faster and even then they can just freakin head shot you. there is literally a silihouette of you as you appear. I suck at widowmaker and I can frekin one hit the poor fella


Again, its LOUD and SLOW and leaves him VULNERABLE. Its a terrible ability. Especially because they’re making audio reach longer in the game which will make it even worse.

It’s a suicide ability. He tries to “flank”, we hear him, he dies.

I literally can charge as Zen while he’s teleporting and kill him. It’s laughable

Shadowstep might as well get a change, symmetra’s teleporter pretty much does a better job now.

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Ding Ding Ding someone also notices it

OK maybe the sound thing is true, but the ability is not horrible. I still get some good flanks on people with that ability. Also, you wouldn’t be vulnerable if you don’t teleport near someone. Teleport far away from people so that they wont hear you.

They’re making it so you can HEAR abilities at a LONGER distance, which will make it even more WORSE.

A rein get’s a good pin every once and a while. Doesn’t mean his charge is stillnot bad.

There’s a very easy solution to this, though: Target somewhere that isn’t directly in front of an enemy.

Shadowstep isn’t designed as a super-long-range blink to use in combat. It’s a way to bypass areas and get into locations you otherwise couldn’t (e.g. behind or above the enemy team) before you enter combat.

Reapers fine as he is.

I don’t know why you are getting so much flack for these ideas. I think they are good ideas.

I played Reaper only a couple of times, but i never had a problem with teleport … but didn’t use it that often tbh. You need to target areas somewhere the enemy can’t see you. It’s like Sombra’s translocator …. don’t drop it in the center of the objective, hide it somewhere.