How to fix Reaper:

its kind of fun to use when you exit the base at spawn and then think you have a time lead but then even orisa runs past you by the time you show up because its slow as hell

still cute.

I donā€™t think he should completely punch through armor, but changing his shotguns so they shoot half as many pellets but for twice as much damage would probably be a good change. Lets him do more against armor without increasing his power against squishies

Its not like they are going to teleport to your position and kill you instantly, lol! You can still defend yourself after the teleport! Its a really simple but good ability that does its job well. You just have to know how to use it and if you die using it, you canā€™t blame it on sound. Now if they nerfed the ability then there is a problem because it doesnā€™t need to be nerfed, but it hasnā€™t changed, nor do I think it has too, buff or nerf.

Actually you can combine Wraith Form with it and get back to the fight pretty quick

i guess it depends on the map but Its usually like 1 second or so faster than walking. anyhow you want to save wraith form sometimes you donā€™t know whos lurking

I mean while Teleporting. Its hilarious. Literally I can hear a reaper teleport in a building, then charge my shot, then kill them. Its so loud and slow.

Hearā€™s Reaper TP
Pre-fires and kills him/kills him while heā€™s TPing

Tracer voice ā€œDeATh CoMEs!ā€

You could have his teleport be better easily:

  1. Donā€™t show the enemy team where heā€™s going before he starts the teleport
  2. Donā€™t have him scream ā€œRepositioningā€ on the receiving side of the TP, make it on the sending side only.

And give him an auto aim as well. It would be only fair. OR a CC